Virginia Beach Resumes

67 Records
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Able Seaman/3rd mate apprentice

Virginia Beach, VA, USA

I will utilize my natural abilities and navy background towards a career on the bridge team of an oceangoing vessel. Oct 2006 - Oct 2007: Financial Advisor/Rep/Insurance planning, Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, Va Beach, Va. March 2003 - April 2004…

Naval Architect

Virginia Beach, VA, USA

Career track position in Naval Architecture offering future growth and development. Tasks include preparing general arrangement design drawings for ship alterations on US Navy aircraft carriers, including removals, installations and fabrications, while using the latest Navy and shipboard standards.

first mate/skipper

Virginia Beach, VA, USA

twenty year yacht/small-craft handling and repair. I have for the past 20 years been the owner general manager of a yacht repair and sales business. twelve years high school, two years collage. thirty year on the job training. twenty years mechanical gas and diesel engine repair.

Marine Engineer

Virginia Beach, VA, USA

Six deployments as engineer onboard four USS platforms. Eoow qualified onboard USS Monterey. Parts inventory and ordering. Looking to become a merchant marine to continue with maritime career.

Maritime Security Director

Virginia Beach, VA, USA

I am seeking a challenging position within cruise line or container ship company as a security officer. Mr. Gorsline is a twenty year US Navy Special Operations veteran with a wide array of training and operational experience in Maritime Security Operations.

Marine Electrician

Virginia Beach, VA, USA

To apply as electrician onboard ship. Retired U.S. Navy as Electrician's Mate for 20 years. Responsible for operation, maintenance and troubleshooting various electrical equipment onboard vessels. Performed preventive and corrective maintenance of ship from steam to diesel propulsion.

Port Engineer

Virginia Beach, VA, USA

Seeking Port Engineer’s position or related position in the maritime field in the Norfolk, Virginia area. Experience 2005 to 2005 Ocean Dutchess Port Engineer · Worked from November 18, 2005 to December 9, 2005 on the SS Cape May as…