Pensacola Resumes
1600 Ton Master Oceans
Pensacola, FL, USAEmployment with a financially sound company that provides excellent benefits and insurance for its employees. Extensive experience on speciality and seismic vessels. I possess Intro DP certification and would like oportunity to operate onboard DP II vessel and upgrade to DPO.
Chief Engineer
Pensacola, Fl, United StatesProfessional Summary: Chief Engineer with greater than 20 years offshore experience including operationsmanagementand application ofexceptional people skills. Possess numerous offshore industry certifications, proficiency,andexperience with various requirements…
Pensacola, Florida, United States200/500 ITC AB Unlimited DPOSSO Resume Capt. Don MiddlebrooksMailing Address: 199RaifordOaks Blvd Madisonville LA 70447Cell:205-569-0063USCG License #2728089 200/500ITC NC Issue Date 04-Jan 2017 Exp.04-Jan 202211/3;11/4;11/5; v1/1; v1/2; v1/3…
Hardworking, Multitasker, Quick Learning, Teamplayer
Pensacola, FL, USAI would like to work offshore to experience new things. My room-mates are both commercial divers and talking to them really has me intrested going offshore. I am a dedicated hardworking individual. I work well with others and have the ability and willingness to learn new tasks and skills…
Chief Mate/Second Mate
Pensacola, FL, USAFinish out seagoing career with stable secure company. Lproduct tank barges. Pensacola Jr.College. History major.. PIC...STCW..Unlimited Radar..GMDSS..Bridge Resource Management...ARPA...Dangerous Cargo..Discrimination/Harrassment Training..Leardership…
Master Oceans 200 Ton
Pensacola, FL, USAPassport U.S. I have 200-ton masters Oceans my last Three jobs Have been hauling cargo (Ocean Routes) and escorting and mooring tankers to off shore single point mooring buoys. I have also worked on supply boats Fast Scout and Loop Security.
Master Oceans 3000 tons ITC, Port Captain, Marine Supervisor
Pensacola, FL, USATo obtain a stable long term Master’s position with a technically advanced, dynamic, and growing company which offers me the opportunity to fully utilize my vast marine experience, knowledge, and skills within a challenging and dynamic environment…
Pensacola, FL, USA1313 N. 65 Avenue Lot I, Pensacola FL. Dynamic, Results-Oriented, and Team-Spirited. More than thirty years of professional cooking and kitchen management experience. Family owned restaurant for 24 years from 1980's till 2004. Exemplify leadership qualities and professionalism…
able bodied seaman unlimited
Pensacola, FL, USATo obtain gainful employment. I am looking for an employer that can offer retirement and medical insurance. Mobile, Al and Ft. Describe honors, related activities and accomplishments here. Describe honors, related activities and accomplishments here. · Former U.S.
Able Body Special
Pensacola, FL, USATo obtain a Able Body position on a offshore supply vessel. Cell phone tower maintenance, lighting, raw land build outs, rigging blocks and rope. knot tieing, rigging, climbing.
AB Unlimited,third mate,100 ton
Pensacola, FL, USAproven abilities will be of value. o Sea Mar Management, New Iberia, Louisiana 2000 to 2004. Served as an AB. Served on various ships including: Cape Hatteras, Cape Lookout, Cape St. Capes Spencer, Fear, Sable, Byrd, Cod, ect... Apalachicola, Florida and Brownsville, Texas.
Journeyman Electrician
Pensacola, FL, USAI would like the opportunity to work offshore as a deckhand, I have been on boats my entire life. I am looking for a career change. I am highly motivated and a hard worker, willing to work 365days a year. ATLANTIC SERVICES, INC. Responsible…
Pensacola, FL, United StatesNavigation, Voyage Planning Resume Capt. Don MiddlebrooksMailing Address:5404 Flintwood CR. Pensacola, FL 32504Cell:205-569-0063USCG License #2728089 200/500ITC NCAB UnlimitedIssue Date 04-Jan 2017 Exp.04-Jan 202211/3:11/4: 11/5: v1/1: v1/2…
200/500 TIC Captain
Pensacola, FL, USAI have experience in the navigational watches on countless trips in Africa, From Angola to Somalia; South America the Eastern from Key West to Boston Mass; and Western Seaboard Alaska to Chile; and Montevideo, Uruguay to the U.S. I have circumnavigated South America twice.
PENSACOLA, FL, USATo secure a position as an Customer Service Representative with an established organization, utilizing my skills in customer care and high level of customer service. DTAG (Dollar Rent a Car/Thrifty Rent a Car) ? Open/Close contracts, quote rate…
Captain/ DPO
Pensacola, Florida, USCertifications USCG master 1600 GT oceans, Third Mate Unlimited oceans, Panamanian and Bahamian reciprocals, DPO unlimited, Vessel Security Officer, GMDSS, ARPA, HUET, Helicopter Landing Officer and Helo Fire and Rescue, Safe Gulf, HAZWOPPER…