Poland Resumes

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Krakow, Poland

Master on Container Vessels, Master on Ocean RoRo and ConRo Vessels Ship’s Captain (Fully Endorsed – Merchant Navy):Over 20 years of experience in commanding large container carriers and Ro-Ro ships to transport various cargo world-wide, handling…

Master SDPO

Świnoujscie, Westpomeranian, Poland

Unlimited Master Mariner (UK CEC) with full DPO certificate and 12 years offshore experience in rank on board ofdifferent DP vessels: Research/Survey, PSV, OSV-Work boats,MPSV, Platform Construction and Accommodationvessels fitted with ship's…

Master/chief Officer

Pultusk, Mazowsze, Poland

I am a very experienced officer with a Master's degree in this field. I went through a long career at sea, working in all positions. I have practice on containers, general cargo, ferries and looking for a good and stable employment.


Gdańsk, Pome, Poland

Personal Details: Nationality : Indian Religion : Christian Date of Birth : 11.11.1991 Passport No : K7509420 Marital Status : SingleEducational Qualification:BE Mechatronics Engineering Anna University (2016)BSC.

Chief Officer

Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland

Dear Sirs,For almost 30 years of my professional career I have done several jobs, which I listed in my resume. While I was doing all the jobs I co-operated with many people as an employee, partner and employer. All those activities required from me very strong attributes…

Master mariner


I graduated Maritime Academy in Gdynia (Poland) in 1997, and started to work as an Officer on sailing tall ship Dar Mlodziezy as an instructor ,3 and 2 officer. I took part in Tall Ships Races in 1997, 1999 and in 2000.I have experience on RORO , Container , Bulk , Seismic Survey Vessel and FPSO.

Maintenance Supervisor

Szczecin, Poland

An accomplished enthusiastic offshore Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor with +20 years’ experience in the offshore shipping and drilling industry. An excellent communicator both oral and written who is confident and adept at instilling confidence in others.

Second Engineer

Siemysl, Poland, Poland

2nd,3rd engineer I'm second engineer with offshore experience.I have been working on various DP2 and DP3 diesel electric and conventional propulsion offshore vessels – DSV, MPOCV, PSV, ROV.My last employer was Sealion Shipping Ltd. where I was working for almost 9 years…


Szczecin, Poland

ship handling I am well educated and experianced Master Mariner . i ahve been on various ships types ( incl.merchant & offshore fleet) and propultions.

3/4/J OFF, D/Cadet, O/S

Pszczółki, Poland

Dear Sir/Madam:My name is Artur Mazurek and I am holder of Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch Certificate.By the end of 2015 I earned a engineering degree from Gdynia Maritime University.Immediately after my graduation I have started working at the Siem Shipping Company…

Bosun AB /cran op AB /cook

Kobylnica, Slupsk, Poland

Good Day I`m a Polish Bosun Forthe past 9 years I`ve been employed by TDW-marine I`m currently still working forthem unfortunately I`ve been forced to look for a new employment .

Deck cadet

Pielgrzymowice, Warsaw, Poland


Kobylanka, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland

Chief Officer. Sea service since 1991. well as Ocean Going Tugs in worldwide service. problems in adaptation with new vessels and new duties. high standards of performance.


Koszalin, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland

Navigation I'm Master Mariner,unlimited II/2 with all need STCW 95 Certificates valid.Marlins test - 96%.As a Master the years from 2007 spend on the chemical tankers,before oil/product tankers. Experience with STS and bunker operation too.

Chief Officer

Warszawa, Poland

CONRADINUM/college/GDANSK, Eng. -HARWICH HAVEN AUTHORITY-Haven Ports Pilotage Area-Exemption Certificate Class B. I have considerable experience in ship management, including cargo and freight operations management and exploitation gained in large container ships…

Chief Mate/SDPO

Straszyn, Poland

ObjectiveIn charge of DP operation onboard the vessel,Working as team with ROV/Pipe lay/Dive Control crew during subsea operation,Cooperation with multi-national crew,In charge of all vessel movements when on oilfield, Over 12 000 hrs during DP operations.

Master Mariner Unlimited

Gorzow Wlkp., Poland

Master or Officer on DP Vessel, Marine Section Leader, Barge Engineer, Ballast Control Operator or DPO on drilling installation or unit. INTERSHIP LTD. INTERSHIP LTD. 1990.1995Technical School im. I served in senior management positions on…

AB ,Floorman

Opatów, Poland

My name is Sebastian Waszczyk. I have got Rating Forming Part of A Navigational Watch Certificate and I’m currently working as a Floorman for Exalo Drilling. I have experience working as a AB , OS on offshore oil rigs and vessels. Crane Operator for Mamut s.c.

Chief Mate

Szczecin, Poland

I am looking for a reliable employee, who could offer me stable job with social policy on one hand and granting an opportunity to develop my experiences and science interests on the other. I'm strongly interested joining the offshore sector which can offer me both of them.

2nd Mate / JDPO

Kisielice, Poland

Objective Gain knowledge & experience as DP operator Experience Till end of 2011: 13 months of practice as DECK CADET on trainig ships, bulk carriers Since April 2012: 3rd officer / 2nd officer (JDPO) on board DSV-ROV DP3 mv "EDT Protea", responsible for maintaining FFE & LSA, nautical public