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Would like to be emploied on rank as Second Mate


To make my job!!! Be experience seaman, and get more knowlege, and to reach the maximal heights in area of the work.


My work experience conssists of 4 year seafare on board different tankers world wide. Have experience of work with mix crew. Companies have been work: Tsakos, Ocean Tankers and Seaarland Hamburg. Present position is Second Mate.

Last contract have been completed on 18th Of October 2011, vessel been work on M/T''ALIA''(DWT 35.669).


High School 1991-2001

State Maritime Academy 2001-2006


Available all needed certificates for Second Officer.

USA Visa till 2021 year.


No special skills, just I'm doing my best in job!


Looking for the best !

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