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Upcoming Ocean Engineer Graduate, B.S.O.E. Ocean Engineering, Florida Atlantic University


Seeking a position in Ocean/Marine Engineering


Station House Restaurant, Lantana, FL

Server (December 2005 - present)

– Work quickly and efficiently; provide excellent customer service

– Handle multiple tasks at once; perform cash register balancing

– Work 30 hours per week while taking full course load



Acoustics 1 Fall 2006

– Fundamentals of acoustics. Sound propagation in fluids; speech, hearing, noise, architectural acoustics, loudspeakers, microphones, transducers, underwater sound transmission

Fluid Mechanics 1 Spring 2007

– The first course of a two-semester study of incompressible fluid flow and its application to ocean engineering with emphasis on fluid properties, fluid dynamics, dimensional analysis, modeling, real flows in closed conduits and open channels, boundary-layers, lift and drag, turbo-machines, computational and experimental methods, resistance and propulsion of marine vehicles, and design problems.

Structural Analysis 1 Spring 2007

– Classical methods of analysis of beams, truss, frames, cables, and arches for ocean and other structural applications. Approximate methods, moment area, virtual work, consistent deformations. Design credit.

Ocean Wave Mechanics Fall 2007

– Small amplitude wave theory, finite amplitude waves, wave generation, wave forecasting, wave measurements. Wave force on fixed structures, floating bodies and moored bodies. Design credit.

Dynamic Systems Fall 2007

– Intro to classical and modern control theory; systems identification and modeling; systems stability analysis; practical control implementation issues for sampled data ocean systems. Design credit.


– Structures 2, Fluid Mechanics 2, and completion of the Engineering Project



– Understanding of computer programming using MatLab, C/C++, and some embedded programming

– Introductory experience with Pro/E, AutoCAD

– Laboratory experience with Vishay and oscilloscope instruments

– Extensive use of Microsoft Office



Ocean Engineering Systems Control and Design Fall 2007

– The first half of a senior design project involving ocean engineering design, creativity and professionalism. Ocean systems design, simulation and control. Dynamic modeling, system trade-offs and system evaluation of an autonomous underwater vehicle, an autonomous surface vehicle, and a navigation link from the surface vehicle to the underwater vehicle.

Dania, FL,
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