Would like to find a towing company that offers a good wage and benifit package. Looking for a 28-14 rotation or failing that time for time if the pay is high enough. Willing to start as an assistant to learn a vessal, and move up at a later time.
14 years acting as Chief and asst. engineer on Great Lakes tugs, up to 4000 hp, for Andrie Inc. and Hannah Marine.
High school, with the basic line of study. Including auto mechanics, small engine repair and wood shop.
EMD training. Technical Training Consultants Inc.
Haz Mat First Responder. M&R Consulting Group.
Shipyard Competent Person Training. Waterways Transportation Services Inc.
D.D.E.Unlimited. U.S.C.G.
Tankerman P.I.C. Barge D.L. The River School
Advanced shipboard fire fighting. Toledo Fire Fighting School.
Varied and many.
Member of the Elks Lodge #552.
Member Michigan Snowmobile Assn.
Member Sault Ste. Marie Snowmobile Assn.