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Surface Warfare Officer


Utilized the skills developed as a Naval Officer to begin a career in the maritime industry.



Nov ’08 – Aug’09, Anti-terrorism Force Protection (ATFP) Officer

• Supervised the management of the ATFP program on ten merchant ships charted by the US Navy.

• Established and maintained professional relationships with members of various agencies outside the lifelines of the Navy.

• Developed specific security plans for each ship to defend against piracy based on real world threats and intelligence.

• Routinely wrote force protection plans for ships visiting foreign ports and coordinated the use of security assets with various US and foreign agencies.

• Provided training to merchant mariners in weapons handling, rules for the use of deadly force, non-lethal weapons, anti-terrorism, anti-piracy and chemical, biological, and radiological defense.

May ’06 – Nov ’08, Surface Warfare Officer – USS ROBERT G. BRADLEY (FFG 49)

• Led a staff of twelve sailors whose duties were to maintain the operability of the ship’s two local area networks and all communications circuits on/off the ship.

• Led a staff of 24 sailors who operated the sensors and systems of the ship’s combat center. Managed the daily work routine of all personnel and ensured they complied with assigned duties and standards.

• Managed a meticulous and exacting program that tracked the receipt, distribution, and destruction of over 500 cryptographic devices and codes essential to the ship’s secure communications, most of which were classified Secret or Top Secret.

• Maintained the lead supervisory position on board the ship’s bridge while it was underway, ensuring its safe navigation, continuous readiness, and the timely execution of the daily schedule. This role required having to make decisive decisions, effectively manage a team of personnel engaged in a diverse set of tasks, and be able to clearly communicate orders and intentions without hesitation or uncertainty.

• Was selected for a position in which a unique trust and confidence of the ship’s Commanding Officer was earned and therefore became depended upon to make all decisions regarding the safety and operation of the ship in his absence.


US Naval Academy

B.S. in Information Technology




Pawtucket, RI,
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