Work as a ship's doctor. Former fighter pilot with good navigation understanding. Offshore sailing experience.
5 years in USAF as a fighter pilot/instructor pilot. 30 year career in Ob/Gyn. 4 years as prison doctor. The Ob/Gyn speciality means that I have expertise in medicine and surgery. One of the best specialties for all medical emergencies. Some psychiatric experience.
College BS degree. Pilot training USAF with Commercial, multi-engine, instrument license. Medical School with M.D. degree. Four year residency Mayo Clinic, University of Utah.
Air Force trained pilot, current license.
Medical doctor with expertise in medical conditions and experienced surgeon.
Air Force trained in Navigation with additional offshore sailing experience.
Competant with small arms. Started shooting with my grandfather at age 5. Military training as well.
69 year old in excellent health. Love the ocean. Easy to get along with. Clean and neat. Non-smoker, Non-drinker. 5' 10" and 185 pounds.