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Ship's Captain


Work as the ship's captain, on a 5 to 10 k's Gross Tonnage container, Ro/Ro and or bulk carrier. This is what I was doing lately. Undrstood very well the ISM, ISPS procedures and to be in contact with vessel owner, charterers, agents advising the vesel ETA, NOA, NOD, Ballast report and kept a close track of vessel class, flag and Port State certifica_ tions and visas, due date for certifiates advising so to the vessel DP ship's management also indicating crew visas and certification due dates, kept parties inforn of vessel ETA to receive eng/deck parts also kept the vessel well maintenance in and out.


M.V. Manzanares. Panama flag. 5000 GT Bulk Carrier. A.B. vessel Class. Owners: Navesco LTD. Managers: Ibernor ship management. from 8 July 10- 10 Feb 2011 Rating: Master

M.V. Snow Bird. Panama Flag. 4900 G.T. Multi purpose vessel. Owners Didco ship. Managers: Sea Haw of N.A. Agent: Ocean Ship in Baltimore MD. Rating: Master From: 15 Dec 2009 until 10 January 2010

M.V. Triton Express. Landing Barge trading the Bahamas shollow waters. Rating: Captain. Owners: Marsh Harbour Shipping in Marsh Harbour, Bah.

Ravenscroft Ships management: On board of Car Carrier Elenore. Panama flag for (two contracts ) and a 5k's G.T.

multipurpose vessel.

Passenger vessel Ocean Jewel of St. Petersburg. As vessel Captain. 18.000 G.T.; Ownwers: Titan Cruises in Tampa Fl.

Passenger Vessel Scottia Prince: ISP ships management. Sailing around the mediterranean 18k's tonnage. As Safety Officer.

Tropical Shipping. A Second Mate. Sailing around the Caribbean on the Tropic Eve, Tropic Jade.



Graduated from the Colombian Navy School. Maritime Academy From January 1968 until July 1972. Third Mate.

High School. in Colombia S.A.


Ship's Captain From the Colombian Maritime Doctorate

STCW Courses

Stability Calculations from the National Cargo Bureau


Ship Handler

Ships paper work and records

Handling crews: Brithis, North Americans, Canadian, Indians, Arabians, Phil, Caribbean and South American nationals.


Persons that know me and related with the maritime field.

Mr. Dalton Abel 306 386 3665 U.S. Retired ships Mngr.

Mr. Kersy Engineer 305 7746003 Inter orient ship Mngmt

Mr. Robert Danvers 41 796869074 ICCS in Germany

Mrs. Margarita Duque Navesco LTD, Human resources

Presently I am available and ready to work in all respects, since my natioanl ticket, STCW 95 certifications are up to date, even travel document and Medical shows "fit for work".

thanks in advance for your valuable time.

Hialeah, FL,
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