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Security Proffessional


Seeking professional security company with open postions for employment.


United States Marine Corps June 22, 2003 – June 17, 2007

Stationed: 29 Palms CA

Four year’s serving the United States Marine Corps with three year’s real time experience leading and developing a squad of Marines.

Accountable for $100,000 dollars worth of military equipment directly related to protecting the individual Marine along with mission related equipment.

Detailed written “Action Statements” To higher echelon Marines pertaining to particular missions situations for detained insurgents.

Conducted multiply mounted and dismounted patrols while deployed in “Operation Iraqi Freedom”

Platoon Sergeant February 1, 2006 – May 1, 2006

Responsible and accountable for 42 Marines

Rationing of food and water during field exercises

Re-organized the platoon leadership and training habits.

Overseen the squad leaders to ensure training was conducted properly.


Oscar P. Austin Award

School of Infantry Honor Graduate- top of class

Meritoriously Promoted 2 ranks

Acting Platoon Sergeant for 3 months

Awards –badges-Medal’s

Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal ( awarded upon 3 years of good service)

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medal ( With Combat Distinguishing Device)

Certificate Of Appreciation

Combat Action Ribbon (Iraq)

Sea Service Deployment ( with 3 *)

Iraq Campaign Medal

Global War on Terrorism Service Medal

Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Medal

National Defense Service Medal

Sharpshooter Badge

Pistol Marksman Badge


Currently attending College.



Strong leadership and management skills as demonstrated through being a Squad leader for 3 years in the United States Marine Corps.

Skilled in individual counseling as well as individual leadership building.

Organization and assigning of squads in the conduct of combined patrols.

Terrorism awareness training directly related to protecting civilian life along with infrastructure protection.

United States Marine Corps Corporal leadership course; intensive training of management and leadership with the objective to maintain a squad of marines as well as how to teach physical fitness as a superior.


Experienced in combat mounted vehicle and foot patrols conducted in Iraq with three deployments.

Leadership skills

Understanding of weapons systems organic to the Marine Corps.

Strong communications skills.

Denver, CO,
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