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Security Officer/Staff


I would like to utlize my Navy experience in a job onbored a cruise ship and save money for college.


3 years in the Israeli Navy. From 2004 til 2008, most of the period as a NCO in my boat. I served as a regular Seaman for a year and 7 months during which acted as the boats Bousen for 1 month. Maned all action,rescue,emergency and seamanship drills onbored. After reaching the requirments for NCO's course and graduating with great references I served for another year and 3 months as the Seconed in Commaned onbored another boat. During my service I was trianed in verious fire-arms,Zodiac operation,radar,comunications,seamanship work and more.

Also I learned to operate the boats crew in every situation possible in case the CO is injured or ill.

Most of my time as the boat's "XO" I acted as the commanding officer due to the lack in manpower.Adminastrative,logistics and time menegment work were some of my responsibilities, also the crews diciplan, training,service and living conditions,education spirit.

I'm prode to say that my greatest achievement in my boat was my crew and my boat's professionalism,good reputation amongs the squadron,endurance during the seconed war in Lebanon and the will to serve in pride.


Geography major - "Nofi Golan" Highschool,Katzerin.


Zodaic Boat Operator.(In Hebrow)


Zodiac Boat Operator,Basic Radar Opration,Basic Comunications,Fire-Arms,Basic Seamanship,Basic Knowledge in Marine Emergenceis(Fire-Fighting,Man Overboard,Flood,Abanding Ship) Coastal Navigation,Naval Charts reading,Suspect Arrest,Radio and Verbal Questioning.


I may be young of age but has alot of "real" experiance-gaind over the course of 3 years of difficult service in the Israeli Navy.

Maa'le Gamla, Northern,
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