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Security Escort for Small yachts and Ocean going ships.


Job Objective: Protection of ships and small yachts, from Prirates.


Experience: 13 years. AB Watchman. 5 years SIU ships in persian Gulf. And Gulf war l991. 5 years AB Deck. 3 years. Ordinary Deck and Wiper, Plus Galley steward.


Bachelors of Science: Criminal Justice. Buffalo State TEachers College. Buffalo, New YOrk. Class of l975. Major: Corrections. Minor: Spanish and Spanish Culture. Graduate: Hilbert College, Class of l973. Major: Criminal Justice and World Religions. School Location: Hamburg, New YOrk. Graduate: Piney Point School of SEamanship. June: l989. U.S. Navy Fire Fighting School and Boot Camp. l968. Honorable Dischargel973.


Small Arms: U.S. Navy. Fire Fighting. Lifeboat. Wiper, Able Seamans Tickets Hagland Crane operation. Fork Lift. Damage Control, First Aid and Water Survival Course. All at Complete Piney Point School of Seamanship. l989. Sailing School. Small Boat harbor, Buffalo. New YOrk.


Bilingual: Spanish. Marlinespike seamanship. Report Writig. Cooking. Unway Replenship on MSC ships. Lifeguard Certificate. Marathon Swimming. Computer Savy.


Im interested in Security Detail shipboard Because of Piracy. Im available too work the first of any month. Also interested in IN port Security. Thank You for your Consideration.

Clocis, New Mexico, NM,
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