Looking for a good company with Oil/chemical Tanker fleet.
2003- to date Second Officer, service in tankers carrying oil and liquid chemicals,TESMA Crew Management Ltd.
06.03-10.03 oil/chemical tanker “Sichem Dali”, the Owner TESMA Singapore,2nd officer
01.04-06.04 oil product taker “Keilir”, the Owner OILDREIRING Efh., 2nd Officer
09.04-01.05 oil product taker “Keilir”, the Owner OILDREIRING Efh., 2nd Officer
06.05-11.05 oil/chemical tanker “Sichem Baltic”, the Owner TESMA Singapore, 2nd Officer
05.06-10.06 oil/chemical tanker “Sichem Oslo”, the Owner TESMA Denmark, 2nd Officer
2001-2003 Second Officer, service in tankers carrying oil and liquid chemicals,T&E ESCO Crew Management Ltd.
05.01-08.01 oil/chemical tanker “Kilchem Acid”, the Owner T&E ESCO Singapore, 2nd Officer
11.01-04.02 oil/chemical tanker “Sichem Martin”, the Owner T&E ESCO Denmark, 2nd Officer
08.02-01.03 oil/chemical tanker “Sichem Dali”, the Owner T&E ESCO Singapore, 2nd Officer
1998-2001 Third Officer, service in tankers carrying oil and liquid chemicals,Baltic Group International.
07.98-01.99 oil/chemical tanker “Kilchem Labrador”, the Owner KIL Shipping, Denmark
06.99-11.99 oil/chemical tanker “Holger Sif”, the Owner KIL Shipping, Denmark, 3rd Officer
02.00-07.00 oil/chemical tanker “Kilchem Acid”, the Owner KIL Shipping, Denmark, 3rd Officer
01.01-05.01 oil/chemical tanker “Kilchem Acid”, the Owner KIL Shipping, Denmark, 3rd Officer
1992-1998 Novorossiysk State Maritime Academy (NSMA) Department of Navigation Qualification: Diploma of an Engineer-Navigator Certificate of Competency (Officer in charge of a navigational watch)
Feb - May 2006 Novorossiysk State Maritime Academy (NSMA), special training course Certificate of Competency (Qualified as a Chief Officer of the Merchant navy)
All certificates for seagoing navigation officers
Computer user level
Clean driving license
English good level
As you will see from my CV, I have had a range of experience, which has further developed my ability to build a rapport with a diverse range of employers and to contribute effectively in team working relationships.
I graduated from the Novorossiysk State Maritime Academy in 1998 where I was qualified as an Engineer-Navigator and I got an endorsement for service in tankers carrying oil and liquid chemicals. I started to work as a Third Officer in Charge of a Navigation Watch. Since I was promoted to the Second Officer Rank and then to the Chief Officer. I have eight year's practical experience in the merchant navy, on the oil product tankers, the working experience in a variety of multinational crews, for example recently I have got a contract with Iceland Company “OILDREIFING Efh.”.
In addition to my growing knowledge of theoretical and practical Navigation I can offer many skills gained from my continued personal studies, work and other activities, for example:
- analyzing and resolution of complex numerical and verbal established tasks
- working enthusiastically and productively under pressure
- dealing professionally with a wide range of people
- working in a variety of teams and on my own initiative
- overcoming obstacles and negotiating for the support I need
- optimistic attitude and motivation in the work which I accomplish
I hope that, on consideration of my CV, you will be persuaded of my potential to wake a real contribution as a member of your company. I can be available for interview at any time and look forward to hearing from you.