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Safety Professional Senior


Senior level safety and industrial hygiene position, manager, director, or supervisor.


Board Certified Safety Professional with nineteen years of progressive experience that includes chemical manufacturing, power generation, (LNG, coal, gas), refining, and gas pipeline industries. Experienced with OHSAS 18001 safety management systems, ISO 14000, and ISO 9000, handling of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, HAZOPs, Process Hazard Analysis, PHA’s, hazard analysis, Bowtie analysis, contractor safety, heavy manufacturing, union environments, OSHA, NEC, and NFPA. Experienced in gas, coal, and LNG power plants and surface mining.


Bowtie Analysis

Root Cause Investigations/Causal analysis

Job Safety Analysis

Process Safety Management

Electrical Safe Work Practices

Process Hazard Analysis and LOPA

Safety Management Systems, OHSAS 18001

Behavioral Based Safety

OSHA 1910, 1926, DOT, MSHA

Advanced PSM Leadership Trained

Safety and Health Audits

Lead Auditor/PSM & SMS Audits


Contractor and construction Safety


Mining, Steam, Gas, LNG coal power plants

Chemical hygiene



•Masters Degree in Public Health Specializing in Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Health and Aerospace Medicine, University of Texas School of Public Health (Houston, TX)

•Master of Science Degree in Management, Lesley College (Cambridge, MA)

•Bachelor of Arts Degree, Microbiology, University of New Hampshire (Durham, NH)


Process Hazard Analysis Specialist, Boots & Coots, Oil Well Control 3/2008 – 1/2009

Provide Process hazard analysis services to downstream and chemical industries, and bowtie analysis, incident investigations, safety management systems, and safety support to oil and gas industries in the Middle East and Algeria.

Senior Safety Consultant, ModuSpec /Lloyd’s Register, USA, Rig Inspection Company 9/2007 – 3/ 2008

Provide safety consultation to oil and gas related companies and offshore rig inspections.

Recent Projects:

Repsol Safety Management System Audit

Schlumberger – Business Continuity Planning

BHP Billiton Safety, Health, and Environmental Management System Audit

VP Safety, Health, and Security, Texas Molecular, Chemical Mfg & Hazard Waste Mgt. 4/2007 - 9/2007

•Developed Process safety procedures and implemented process hazard analysis. Member of LEPC and interfaced with local managers and employees regarding safety matters, best practices, and developed resolutions for safety issues.

•Developed strategic plans and goals for business units.

•Interfaced with regulatory agencies, such as OSHA and the company’s legal team.

•Instituted a contractor safety program and approval process.

Corporate Safety and Health Manager, International Power America (IPA), 7/2004-1/2007

•Interface between parent company in London and the U.S. operations

•Provided technical assistance to other global managers with EH&S issues.

•Worked on global safety and health teams to implement OHSAS 18001 safety management system, and behavioral based safety, and improve electrical safe work practices, and was part of a global audit team.

•Representative for the Texas Utility Council

•Conducted hazard assessments

•Developed a training curriculum for the safety stewards for each facility to improve the safety infrastructure and standardization of processes

•National Safety Council Awards 2006

•Conducted hazard assessments and managed the PSM programs and audits, where relevant

•Instituted quarterly safety meetings with all safety stewards to coordinate best practices and corporate directives

•Implemented a computer based training system and an electronic MSDS management system

•Wrote the first corporate safety policies and standardized sling program, initiated a comprehensive personal fall arrest program, and electrical safe work practices that conform to NFPA 70E.

•Standardized the incident investigation process using TapRoots analysis.

Corporate Safety Director, Gulf South Pipeline, 6/2003 – 6/2004

Note: company was auctioned to Boardwalk Pipeline in 2004

•Member of the American Gas Association

•Provided leadership to approximately twenty-three facilities across the Southern region of the U.S.

•Standardized the safety training and assessed training needs,

•Representative for the Southern Gas Association on team efforts, such as best practices for asbestos abatement

•Representative on the ANSI committee for vehicle use

•Interfaced with internal and external legal counsel to close pending issues within the company

•Conducted audits to assess gaps in program requirements

•Interfaced with site employee/safety representatives on safety, health, and environmental issues.

Area Safety Manager, Gruppo Bimbo/Mrs. Baird’s Bakery, 9/2002 – 6/2003

•Interfaced with all facility managers regarding safety and health matters and provided technical consultation

•Implemented an ergonomic committee aimed at reducing injuries

•Improved the plant lay-out for shipping and truck loading

•Conducted hazard assessments

•Provided safety and health training, such as, confined space entry, forklift, and electrical safety, etc.

•Interfaced with local emergency responders and agencies on EH&S matters.

Safety Manager, Schwann’s Foods Sales and Enterprises, 12/1999- 9/2002

•Established tactile and strategic goals to reduce injuries by fifty percent within the first year

•Established an emergency response team, purchased PPE, and initiated practice drills to respond to chemical spills and anhydrous ammonia releases.

•Company representative for the American Baking Institute which provided guidelines on good manufacturing practices.

•Established a safety steering team comprised of shift supervisors that would interface with the 1,000+ employees to assist with cultural and language barriers.

•Established an employee safety and health committee and awards program

•Implemented a comprehensive energy control and machine guarding programs.

•Company representative for the American Baking Institute which provided guidelines on good manufacturing practices.

•Established a safety steering team comprised of shift supervisors that would interface with the 1,000+ employees to assist with cultural and language barriers.

•Established an employee safety and health committee and awards program

•Successfully organized and implemented a comprehensive and compliant hearing conservation program

•With the help of the steering committee, was able to provide safety and health training to all employees on all shifts in more than six languages.

Senior Safety Specialist, Phillips Petroleum, 2/1998 – 12/1999

• Interface with union safety representatives to develop safety procedures that were easily understood, compliant, and could be implemented in the field

• Conducted an assessment for the entire facility, >800 employees, to determine the respiratory needs, and coordinated the respiratory fit testing to meet compliance.

• Responsible for the site’s internal audit process and interfaced with local managers regarding closure to audit findings.

• Completed a comprehensive evaluation on training needs assessment for the entire facility

• Conducted incident investigations using TapRoots analysis.

•Conducted a comprehensive personal protective equipment hazard assessment for the facility.

•Participated on the emergency response team.

Senior Safety Engineer, Alcoa Aluminum chemical and surface mining operation, 1995 - 1997

•Member of the Union Safety and Health Committee that established goals and resolutions for safety related issues

•Board of Directors for the local contractor safety council

•Conducted behavioral safety observations and assisted the union members with interpretation of results

•Managed the safety statistics

•Interfaced with regulatory agencies to resolve citations and related issues

•Member of the Union Safety and Health Committee that established goals and resolutions for safety related issues

Industrial Hygienist, Rohm and Haas chemical manufacturing 1992-1995

•Emergency response

•Interface with union safety committee members on safety related issues and chair ergonomics committee

•Qualitative and quantitative exposure assessments

•Asbestos abatement

•Medical surveillance programs

Industrial Hygienist, Dow Chemical 1989-1991

•Interface, and provided technical assistance, with facility managers and union representatives on safety and health issues

•Worked within a one thousand, five hundred employee maintenance department that provided comprehensive support to a large chemical facility.

•Provided technical consultation for safety related issues, such as, asbestos removal, sandblasting and welding operations, specialty coatings, plant shut-downs, etc.

•Ensured that areas that supported were in compliance with the Dow Chemical safety, health, and environmental requirements.

• Initiated an ergonomic team within the maintenance group to reduce injuries related to tool use.


Board Certified Safety Professional

American Society of Safety Engineers

American Industrial Hygiene Association

National Fire Protection Association

Auditing Roundtable


Masters degree in Occupational Health & Aerospace Medicine

Masteres degree in Applied Science of Management

Bachelors degree in Microbiology

Associates degree in General Studies


CSP Board Certified Safety Professional



Bowtie analysis

Advanced PHA Leader

Chemical handling

Root Cause Investigations

Job Safety Analysis

Process Safety Management

Sling Inspector 24 hr.trained

Fall Protection Competent

Excavation Competent

Lead Auditor/PSM/OHSAS 180001 SMS


PHA’s and LOPA

Safety Management Systems, OHSAS 18001 Behavioral Based Safety

Safety and Health Program Manager

OSHA 1910, 1926, DOT, MSHA

Industrial Hygiene

Safety and Health Audits

Budget Management

Construction Safety

Advanced PSM Leadership Trained

Scaffold/ Excavation Competent

Sling Inspection Competent 24-hour Trained

Contractor Safety


Clute, TX,
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