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Safety Officer/Security


I would like to perform duties as a Safety/Security Officer in the maritime industry either underway or in port at any location throughout the world.


U.S. Coast Guard, Enforced Maritime Laws in both U.S. and International waters, performed search and rescue, maintained aids to navigation, maintained fire fighting readiness, and military readiness. Trained and qualified aboard the USCGC Jarvis as a crew member, damage control, and helmsman. Participated in Operation Sea Hunt in which a 200ft. freighter containing a large amount of narcotics was intercepted in the Pacific Ocean approximately 700 miles Northeast of Hawaii, resulting in the capture of five persons and the destruction of their vessel and cargo. Attended Machinery Technician "A" School in Yorktown, VA and was trained in diesel mechanics, internal combustion engines, basic electricity, refrigeration, pumps, brazing and welding. Qualified as boat crew member, engineer, as well as, trained in Oxygen Breathing Apparatus, shipboard fire fighting, nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. Achieved Expert proficiency with M-16 rifle. Attended U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Boarding Officer school in Yorktown, VA. Led maritime boardings of fishing vessels, cargo ships, and pleasure craft to ensure compliance of federal laws regarding safety standards. While on these operations, I also checked and made an accounting of all man sized spaces and checked all plain view areas for contraband as required. Conducted National Criminal Information Center checks through local law enforcement agencies working in the area. Worked with Federal prosecutors at the Panama City Court House regarding a large narcotics case I was involved in investigating. Searched and transported via government van convicted prisoners from the Eglin Federal prison to perform labor duties at the U.S. Coast Guard Station Destin, FL. Formal instruction of law enforcement duties included mock boardings, arrest procedures, detection of illegal substances, defensive tactics, and firearms. Recipient of Commandant Letter of Commendation, National Defense Service Medal, Special Operations, and Meritorious Unit Commendation with Operational designation.

U.S. Park Police, Police Officer assigned to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area of San Francisco, CA. Performed law enforcement duties via foot, mountain bike, trail bike, quad cycle, or patrol car. Investigated civil and criminal disputes and enforced applicable laws. Interviewed witnesses at crime scenes. Conducted extensive searches of arrested individuals and their property. Issued verbal Miranda warnings. Applied standard restraints in the form of handcuffs or flex cuffs. Transported subjects to county jail (S.F.) or USPP headquarters for processing. Fingerprinted and photographed arrested individuals. Removed potentially dangerous articles of clothing including belts and shoe laces before placing subjects in the jail cell. Observed individuals in the USPP holding area. Assisted National Park Service Rangers with various efforts including cliff and ocean rescue. Conducted security checks and ensured the safety of park visitors, as well as, their property. Responded to a wide range of situations and occurrences including domestic disputes, public intoxication, and larceny cases. Achieved a high standard regarding USPP selective enforcement/vehicle stop efforts for speeding. Prepared both criminal and standard incident reports on a daily basis. Investigated motor vehicle accidents and sketched diagrams. Iissued citations for resource crimes including illegal fishing practices. I was a witness for the prosecution (AUSA) in a misdemeanor trial at the U.S. Federal Court House in San Francisco, CA.

GSA/Office of the Inspector General, Investigated fraud, waste and abuse on behalf of the General Services Administration and the Office of Inspector General. Duties included interviewing both subjects and witnesses to crimes, performing surveillance, scheduling appointments, writing reports, maintaining fire arms proficiency, and making arrests. I was involved in several cases including employee misconduct, theft of government property, benefit fraud, and background investigations. I solved a U.S. government gas credit card case and was rewarded with a performance bonus. I also developed a new investigative technique for the computer IIS system that kept track of investigations in a more accurate manner which was adopted as the standard for the organization. Another investigation I led involved fraudulent time keeping practices by a contract security guard company in Southern California. I am a graduate of Criminal Investigator Academy and Inspector General Academy located in Glynco, GA. I also qualified as Expert Pistol.


Northwestern State University of Louiisana, Graduated 1995, overall GPA 2.98. Course instruction included Introduction to Criminal Justice, U.S. History, Political Science, U.S. Government, Spanish, Social Problems, Criminology-Penology, Seminar on Drug Abuse, Probation and Parole, Introduction to Computer Applications, Police Process, Analysis of Police Operations, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Advanced Management, Personal Adjudication and Development, Juvenile Delinquency, Community Relations in Criminal Justice, Adjudication Process, Criminal Investigations, Criminal Evidence and Procedure.

Course study also included visiting a privately operated Prison in Northwestern Louisiana. On this occasion, we were given a tour of the interior of the facility which housed state prisoners. The tour included observing prison cells, dining areas, offices, and recreation spaces. The tour gave us insight as to how each of the prisoners is processed and what their daily life consisted of, as well as, the various stages of prison life.

U.S. Coast Guard- Maritime Law Enforcement School, instruction included narcotics testing utilizing "NIK", practical exercises to identify bulk marijuana using senses, practical pistol judgemental video simulator and live simulated exercise, field sobriety testing and qualification, self defense principles and skills, hazardous boarding techniques- Yorktown, VA (1990), LantArea Maritime Law Enforcement course- included levels of force and force continuum (1991), EMT School (1991), General Shipboard Fire Fighting Course, Pearl Harbor, HI (1989), Good Conduct Medal (1991), Special Operations Service (1989), Sharpshooter Pistol (1988), USCG Sea Service (1989).

Northwestern State University- Completed Spanish Foreign Language courses 4 semesters (1994), instructed in the use of computer applications, Microsoft Windows, Vista, Word, and Exel Spread Sheets. Criminal Justice Courses included criminology/penology, seminal on drug abuse, probation and parole, police process, corrections process, analysis of police operations, criminal law, constitutional law, juvenile delinquency, community relations in criminal justice, adjudication process, criminal investigation, criminal evidence and procedure, political science, sociology, and psychology.

U.S. Park Police- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center academy graduate- instruction included police procedure, patrol and vehicle stop tactics, interviewing, authority, handling abnormals, search and seizure, physical security, hostage situations, execution of search warrants, detention and arrest, vehicle search and seizure, personal protection, VIP protection, introduction to explosives. Qualified as expert pistol- Glynco, GA 18 weeks (1999). Completed California Peace Officer training course, 832PC Arrest and Control (1999), Attended San Francisco Fire Department Neighborhood Emergency Response Team Instruction (2000).

Office of Inspector General- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Criminal Investigator and Inspector General academy graduate- instruction included U.S. code of federal regulations, firearms proficiency, investigation and surveillance, executing search warrants, arrest and control, report writing, and physical fitness. Qualified as Expert pistol (2003).

U.S. Office of Inspector General/GSA- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center graduate of two academies for this organization, Criminal Investigator Academy (12 weeks) and Inspector General Academy (4 weeks). Qualified as Expert with standard issued Sig Sauer P226 9mm pistol. Received performance award (2002).


CPR for the Professional Rescuer/ American Red Cross- 2008


1988-1992 I achieved the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class, MK3/E-4 (Machinery Technician & Boarding Officer). Recipient- Commandants Letter of Commendation, National Defense Service Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation with "O" insignia, Good Conduct Medal, Special Operations, and Sea Service. While in the Coast Guard, I attended several training schools including

Machinery Technician "A" school (16 weeks) Yorktown, VA.

I was trained in internal combustion engines, diesel engineering, tools, and tool usage. Diesel instruction included a complete tear down and rebuild of a Cummins VT-903M engine. I was also trained separately on two different occasions the tear down and rebuild of Cummins VT-903M (1 week) and Detroit Diesel (1 week) in Tampa Bay, FL (1990). At "A" school was was further trained in refrigeration mechanics and repair, basic electricity theory and practice, desalination mechanics and repair for ships' water treatment units, brazing, soldering, marine engine maintenance, upkeep, and underway repair. I also stood watch, monitored engine performance, condition, and replaced or cleaned parts such as sea strainers on a regular basis. This was a comprehensive training program with the objective being to train individuals as marine engineers.

Additionally, I was responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of various ship auxiliary machinery and fittings. I was charged with servicing deck cleats, boat hoisting and winch machinery, potable water system, and anchor mechanism.

Maritime Law Enforcement Boarding Officer school (4 weeks) Yorktown, VA.

I was instructed in boarding tactics, shoot don't shoot scenarios using a video simulator, flash and sound producing firearms , weapons training was in accordance with use of force policies, instructed in narcotics testing using a portable identification system and manual, participated in a practical exercise to identify bulk marijuana utilizing senses, sobriety enforcement exercises using portable testing unit, defensive tactics, detention and handcuffing techniques, boarding scenarios, U.S. laws, territorial jurisdiction, and scope of authority.

Attended LantArea Maritime Law Enforcement Course (1 week), training included use of levels of force from soft open hand to lethal force and force continuum.

Qualified as Expert M-16 rifle, Sharpshooter 9mm Berretta pistol, Sharpshooter .45 Caliber Colt pistol.

1988 Assigned .50 Caliber and 20mm machine gunner aboard U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Jarvis, qualified as crew member, helmsman, and damage control party member, attained sea service acknowledgement with approximately 14 months underway time, participated in Operation Sea Hunt, which occurred approximately 700 miles Northeast of Hawaii and included the arrest and seizure of drug smuggling suspects, participated in the boarding and seizure of a 400 foot Soviet stern trawler fishing illegally in U.S. Alaskan territorial waters north of the Aleutian Islands. This particular incident occurred precisely at the same time the Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred as my unit responded to assume fisheries patrol in the Bering Sea. Participated in an eight hour L/E boarding of a sailing vessel off the coast of Hawaii which resulted in the detection of a hidden compartment where several weapons were discovered and subsequently seized including three U.S. military rifles, two .45 Caliber pistols, and 1,500 rounds of ammunition.

1990 Assigned to U.S. Coast Guard station Destin, FL. Appointed as Machinery Technician 3rd Class and Maritime Law Enforcement Boarding Officer. Led several boardings of pleasure craft, cargo vessels and fishing boats to ensure compliance with U.S. Coast Guard safety inspection standards and regulations. While on subject vessels I observed and located all man sized spaces, open compartments in plain view, as well as, checked for safety equipment. I administered maritime citations to various sailing craft for not conforming to applicable laws. I was part of an L/E interception team situated 1 mile off the coast of the panhandle of Florida in a Coast Guard small boat which chased drug smuggling suspects for approximately 80 miles off shore until they were eventually apprehended. I conducted National Criminal Information Checks (NCIC) with local Sheriffs departments in the Destin/Fort Walton Beach, FL area. I also worked with federal prosecutors in Panama City, Florida as a witness. Among other duties, I was involved in the transportation of prisoners from the federal prison near Eglin Air Force base to Coast Guard station Destin for general work duties and station maintenance.

6 hours preforming station work, cleaning, repairing machinery

2 hours patrolling, performing law enforcement and search and rescue

1 hour in communications center answering radio and telephone, standing watch, making rounds

1 hour writing reports, organizing equipment, training

60% boat and station maintenance

20% patrolling

10% standing watch, answering radio and telephone

10% writing reports, organizing equipment, training

1999-2001, Graduate of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center U.S. Park Police Academy- 18 weeks (Gynco, GA 05/99). Qualified as Expert pistol USPP H/K, Recipient of USPP Life Saving Medal. Formal instruction included training in the U.S. Constitution, crime scene investigation, executing search warrants, evidence and property disposition, immunities for foreign diplomats, casting of footprint and tire tread evidence, photography, fingerprinting, vehicle search, ethical behavior, victimology, hostage situations, inteviewing, authority, handling abnormals, communications, stress, management, execution of search warrants, organized crime, terrorism in North America, personal protection, death investigation, larceny of motor vehicles, contemporary violent crimes, VIP protection, patrol procedures, introduction to explosives, cultural diversity, crowd control, critical incident stress, conflict management, non lethal control techniques, impact weapons, CPR and First AId.

Assigned as patrol officer at the San Francisco field office. Duties included patrolling and investigating crimes that occurred in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, making fugitive arrests, conducting wants and warrants checks through dispatch computer system, conducted house and vehicle searches, responded to domestic disputes, arrests, advisement of Miranda warnings, search of individuals in custody to include hair, mouth, clothing prior to being placed in patrol vehicle. Restrained arrested persons by the use of standard handcuffs, with additional measures and equipment, including flex cuffs as needed. Suspects were then transported in U.S. Park Police cruiser or van with full cage protection which also had been searched prior to use to USPP headquarters or San Francisco county jail. While at these facilities a hand held magnetometer was used for the removal of any hidden metallic objects that could be potentially used as a weapon. An official booking card was also needed, containing a physical description, as well as, the offense or offenses charged for each suspect before they are cleared for a medical screening. I have had formal instruction on how to testify and present myself in court procedures while at the federal academy and have attended trail hearings in California. I achieved a high standard regarding USPP selective enforcement and traffic stop efforts utilizing an approved force issued radar device. I have responded to a wide range of calls including domestic disputes, public intoxication, larceny from motor vehicles, trespassing, as well as, interviewing numerous witnesses for crime scene details. I have also investigated automobile accidents and sketched diagrams of the accident scene, completed both standard and criminal reports on a regular basis and conducted security checks of proscribed patrol areas. Further duties include apprehending narcotic substance abusers, seizing contraband, and issuing citations or effecting arrests. As part of a collateral duty I was tasked with the selection, procurement and maintenance of the agencies new mountain patrol bikes.

I worked 10 hours a day 4 days a week for the USPP.

A typical day was broken down like this:

.5 hours of preparation, briefings, getting assignments

2 hours on selective enforcement writing tickets for speeding, parking violations

6 hours patrolling my designated area, making arrests, processing people, delivering subjects to county jail

1.5 hours writing reports, cleaning vehicle, stowing equipment

10% were arrests and processing, fingerprints, detention

20% was selective enforcement, writing tickets

55% was patrolling designated area

10% was writing reports

5% was listening to pre patrol briefing

2001-2003, Graduate of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Criminal Investigator Academy (12 weeks) and Inspector General Academy (4 weeks). Qualified as expert with 9mm pistol. Formal instruction included U.S. Constitutional laws, criminal procedure, computer applications, completing search warrants, executing search warrants, collecting evidence, logging evidence, photography, arrest and control, firearms proficiency, defensive tactics, and physical fitness.

Assigned to the San Francisco field office. Duties included case management, maintaining case files, scheduling appointments and interviews, performing surveillance, writing case reports, effecting arrests, and completing expense reports. My typical day involved typing legal reports and auditing case investigations for up to 12 hours. Field investigations amounted to approximately 10% of the job. The remaining 90% involved typing, recording , and auditing. I travelled on assignment to several locations within the western United States including Minneapolis, Denver, San Diego, and Los Angeles. My cases included contract fraud, theft of government property, employee misconduct, and background investigations. I conducted video surveillance on several occasions recording vital information that was preserved as evidence. The main vehicle I utilized for the performance of these duties was an outfitted U.S. government van with heavily tinted windows, padding, and portable video camera.

One case I worked on and solved involved a U.S. government gas credit card misuse in California. Another case involved fraudulent time keeping practices by a contract security guard firm in California. I also investigated the military records of a government employee working in South Dakota.

I was awarded a performance bonus in 2002 for the amount of $250 and received an achieved annual evaluation (4/5) that year.

I worked on average 10-11 hours per day with the OIG

A typical day was like this:

9 hours writing reports, making telephone calls, organizing case files

1 hour interviewing suspects & witnesses, performing surveillance, speaking with Assistant U.S. Attorneys

.5 hours preparing travel, travelling, organizing equipment

90% of the job was writing reports, making telephone calls, logging information on computerized file system

9% was interviewing, surveillance, and speaking to AUSA's

1% travelling and organizing equipment


Elk Grove, CA,
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