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Quartermaster/Navigator Asst.




- U.S Navy 2000-2002 Deck Seaman

- U.S Navy 2002-2003 Signalman

- U.S Navy 2003-2009 Quartermaster/Navigation

- 2 Good Conduct awards for 8 years of service with no NJP

- 1 Navy and Marine Corp Achievement medal


High school Grad.


Transportation Workers Identification Credential Card (TWIC), Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) holder.


Stand watch as assistants to officers of the deck and to the navigator; serve as steersmen and perform ship control, navigation, and bridge watch duties; procure, correct, use, and stow navigational and oceanographic publications and charts; maintain navigational instruments and keep correct navigational time; render "honors and ceremonies" in accordance with national observance and foreign customs; and serve as petty officers in charge of tugs, self propelled barges, and other yard and district craft.


Huntsville, TX,
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