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Port Operations, Maritime Safety and Security Specialist


I am currently an active duty Operations Specialist Chief

in the U.S. Coast Guard and eligible for retirement after

20 years of service. My objective is to retire from active

duty service and apply the leadership and experience I have

gained in the Maritime Industry to a civilian position with

a company or organization that can benefit the most from my

background, experience, and training.


U.S. Coast Guard Eighth District 5/2009-Present

New Orleans, LA.

I am currently the Secure Communications Manager and

Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC) for 24 Coast Guard

units in 14 states within the Eighth Coast Guard District.

My job is to enforce National Security Agency, U.S. Navy

and Coast Guard Policies concerning the proper handling,

storage and destruction of National Security level

Classified Materials. In doing so, I conduct regularly

scheduled inspections and training and ensure strict

deadlines are met for all 24 Coast Guard units throughout

14 states which maintain and hold Classified

Communications material. I currently hold an active Top

Secret/SSBI Security Clearance.

U.S. Coast Guard Maritime 5/2006 – 5/2009

Safety and Security Team

New Orleans, LA.

Chief Operations Specialist

The Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Team

enforces the Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security (PWCS)

law enacted in the United States post September 11, 2001.

During my tenure at the Coast Guard Maritime Safety and

Security Team I was the Planning Division Chief which

arranged for every aspect of logistics for over 35 high

profile Maritime Homeland Security Port operations in 14

states and 3 countries. Three of the most notable high

profile operations required the Inter-agency coordination

with the U.S. Secret Service in protecting the President of

the United States. These included America’s 400th

Anniversary Celebration of the first landing in Jamestown,

VA; the 2007 Middle East Peace Talks in Annapolis, MD; and

the 2008 State of the Union Address in Washington, D.C.

These and other high profile operations required the

coordination of logistics, Intelligence gathering, and

Ports and Waterways operational planning efforts with

numerous inter-agency law enforcement partners including

U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Secret Service,

Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Drug Enforcement

Agency and numerous State and local Law Enforcement

Agencies. I held an active Top Secret Security Clearance

during this period.

U.S. Coast Guard Sector 5/2002 – 5/2006

Key West, FL.

Telecommunications Specialist/Secure Communications


U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Venturous 5/2000 – 5/2002

St. Petersburg, FL.

Shipboard Secure Communications Manager

Coast Guard Marine Safety Office 5/1996-5/2000

New Orleans, LA.

Foreign Vessel Inspector/Telecommunications


During my tenure at the Marine Safety Office in New Orleans

I was a qualified Foreign Vessel Inspector conducting

Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Inspections representing the

Captain of the Port of New Orleans. This job involved all

shipping traffic inbound and outbound on the Lower

Mississippi river, as well as processing foreign flagged

vessel advanced notice of arrivals, issuing foreign flagged

vessel restrictions to the port, and handling all major

incidents and accidents involving vessel traffic on the

Lower Mississippi river. This position involved 12 hour

rotating shifts while working closely with the Mississippi

river vessel traffic light operators and the Vessel

Traffic Center to maintain effective communications and

smooth vessel traffic flow in the Lower Mississippi river.

I worked closely with all of the river pilots as well as

the shipping agents and Classification Societies involving

all aspects of inspections and vessel movement for all

shipping traffic entering and departing the Port of New

Orleans. I held an active SECRET Security Clearance during

this period.

Coast Guard Group Monterey 5/1994 – 5/1996

Monterey, CA.

Telecommunications Specialist

Coast Guard Cutter Vigilant 8/1991 – 5/1994

Cape Canaveral, FL.



Pearl River High School

High School Diploma or equivalent – 5/1989

Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Academy

Some College Credits earned - 10/2006


Coast Guard Marine Safety School Completed 08/10/1997.

Navy Electronic Key Management System school completed


Coast Guard National Maritime Search and Rescue planning

School Completed 03/18/2004.

Coast Guard Command Security Officer school completed


Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Level II course completed


Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Academy completed


Contingency Preparedness Planner Course completed


Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Seaport

Security/Anti-Terrorism training course 10/19/2007.

Department of State Certified Passport Acceptance Agent

effective 11/06/2007.

National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident

Command System levels 100, 200, 300, 700 and 800




Gretna, LA,
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