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Port Director - Harbormaster


I am interested in expanding the scope and breadth of my port management expertise. Looking for career opportunities that will make a difference in the development of port infrastructure and the supporting coastal communities. Interested in positions that offer rotating work (i.e., one month on and one month off) schedules that will allow me to retain my residence in Alaska. Consulting and project development projects are very welcome.


CITY OF VALDEZ - from 11/1/99 to present

Port Director for the City of Valdez, Alaska

•Responsible for administrative duties which include preparing the budget, writing periodic reports, developing new ordinances and producing other documents pertinent to the needs of the port, airport terminal and harbor

•Plans and oversees operation of the harbor, launch ramps, grids, docks, storage areas and adjacent harbor facilities. Regulates harbor usage and moorage assignments per Valdez Municipal Code

•Plans and oversees operation of the Valdez Container Terminal, Valdez City Dock, storage areas and adjacent port facilities. Regulates port usage and moorage assignments per Valdez Municipal Code

•Manages port and harbor financial information, records and overall budget. Responsible for overseeing collection of department fees

•Works with other individuals, city departments, state and federal agencies to help ensure effective operation of port and harbor facilities

•Supervises 6 full-time and 12 temporary employees. Responsible for hiring, training, evaluation, discipline and scheduling of department staff

•Coordinates with other public safety agencies to ensure a timely and effective response to search and rescue, fire and oil spill emergencies

•Directs the maintenance and repair efforts for all airport terminal, port and harbor facilities

•Project manager for department related capital improvement projects

CITY OF WHITTIER - from 5/15/99 to 11/1/99

Administrator of Whittier Small Boat Harbor and the Port of Whittier

•Responsible for administrative duties which included preparing the budget, writing periodic reports, developing new ordinances and producing other documents pertinent to the needs of the harbor

•Planned and oversaw operation of the harbor, port, launch ramps, grids, docks, storage areas and adjacent harbor facilities. Regulated harbor usage and moorage assignments per Whittier Municipal Code Title 12

•Managed harbor financial information, records and overall budget. Responsible for overseeing collection of department fees. Exercised full control of approved budget

•Worked with other individuals, city departments, state and federal agencies to help ensure effective operation of harbor facilities

•Supervised approximately twelve employees. Responsible for hiring, training, evaluation, discipline and scheduling of department staff

•Coordinated with other public safety agencies to ensure a timely and effective response to search and rescue, fire and oil spill emergencies

•Directed the maintenance and repair efforts for all harbor facilities

CITY OF WRANGELL - from 7/7/93 to 5/15/99

Harbormaster II for the Port and Harbor of Wrangell

•Met arriving cruise and cargo ships for the Port of Wrangell. Ensured safe landings and documentation for correct charges. Operated barge ramp facility for vessels landing barges onto the Port staging area.

•Responsible for harbor records and paperwork including waitlists, receipts, float sheets, moorage agreements and billing

•Ensured smooth daily operations within the harbor by use of moorage assignments, hot berthing, resolution of conflicts, and application of city ordinances

•Patrolled float, dock and storage areas to ensure public safety. Responded to various incidents like fires, medical emergencies, sinking boats, broken lines and police assists

•Assisted permanent and transient vessels by providing information, line handling, towing, pumping, referrals and access to harbor equipment

BARLOW CONSTRUCTION INC. - from 3/1/92 to 7/7/93.

Journeyman Carpenter for a general contractor involved with residential and commercial construction.

CITY OF MESA - FALCON FIELD AIRPORT - from 10/1/91 to 8/1/92.

Administrative Assistant to the Airport Director

•Directly supervised the efforts of airport maintenance staff. This included evaluation of employee safety and performance

•Acted as the Airport's liaison and public information source for local, state, and federal agencies; the general public and airport users

•Developed and submitted state and federal grant applications and their reimbursements

•Oversaw grant compliance on ongoing projects

•Administered compliance of forty airport business leases and airport regulations

•Assumed duties of Airport Director in his absence

WINDROCK AVIATION INC. from 7/1/88 to 9/30/91

Acting Chief Pilot of a FAR Part 135 Air Carrier

•Conducted flights on an on-demand basis under FAR Part 135

•Coordinated aircraft maintenance and flight schedules

•Oversaw pilot operations, training, safety and duty records

•Established contract agreements with the National Park Service and USDA-Forest Service for aircraft use

•Assumed duties of Director of Operations in his absence

•Responsible for construction and maintenance of company facilities located at the Grand Canyon and Bullhead City, Arizona

CHEMONICS INDUSTRIES INC. from 4/25/86 to 8/13/86, 5/25/87 to 8/4/87 and 5/25/88 to 6/30/88.

Loaded USDA Forest Service contract fire retardant aircraft while attending college.

USDA-FOREST SERVICE from 2/28/77 to 8/1/85

Progressively advanced in firefighting positions of increasing responsibility

•Directed the efforts of crewmembers in the initial attack of forest fires and related project work

•Trained crewmembers in safety, first-aid, fire engine operations, fire suppression and tool use

•Evaluated and monitored employee performance and safety

•Initiated and provided the framework for the Prescott National Forest emergency medical evacuation plan

•Responsible for care, maintenance and construction of Forest facilities and improvements


•UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS - Masters of Arts Degree in Alaska Native and Rural Development, Fall of 2004

•UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA SOUTHEAST - Masters Degree in Public Administration (MPA), Spring of 2002

•EMBRY-RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY - Prescott, Arizona. Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Science, Dean's List, Cum Laude, April of 1988


MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY - Studies in Fire Science, Education, Police Science and Emergency Medicine


•Certified Marine Manager – International Marina Institute/Association of Marine Industries

•FLETC – Seaport Security Antiterrorism Training/Facility Security Officer Training – 33 CFR Part 105

•US Coast Guard Masters' License with Assist Towing Endorsement

•US Coast Guard Basic and Advanced Marine Firefighter

•US Coast Guard Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Examiner

•US Coast Guard Auxiliary Instructor

•State of Alaska Boating Safety Instructor

•US Coast Guard Auxiliary Coxswain

•US Coast Guard Auxiliary Facility Inspector (CFV, VSC, UPV)

•Numerous US Coast Guard Auxiliary “M” Department Courses (Intro to Marine Safety, Goodmate,I-100, I-200)

•Qualified for the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT)

•Former State of Alaska EMT

•Former State of Alaska Fire Service Instructor

•Swiftwater Rescue Technician II

•Crew and Alternative Skipper of Tier I Oil Spill Contract Fishing Vessel - SERVS Marine Oil Spill Responder 24-Hour HAZWOPER Level II Technician

•Former Member of SEAPRO Oil Spill Response Team

•Commercial Instrument Airplane Pilot and Advanced Instrument Ground Instructor

•Advanced Class Amateur Radio Operator

•Advanced Open Water SCUBA Diver

•Numerous USDA – Forest Service Courses in Firefighting, Incident Command System, Air Operations, Fire Behavior, and Fire Ground Operations

•Alaska Naturalist from University of Alaska – Southeast

•Web Page Design – Example:

•Supervision Training and Performance Appraisal Evaluation Training



•Earned the rank of Eagle Scout from the Boy Scouts of America

•Received four letters of commendation for safety and emergency medicine and a certificate of merit while employed by the USDA-Forest Service

•Accepted into the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Flight Leadership Program

•Appointed to the Southeast Alaska Federal Subsistence Advisory Council

•Received Meritorious Unit Commendation as a team member of Valdez MSO for establishing and sustaining port security for the Port of Valdez after the events of September 11, 2001

•Awarded the Secretary of Transportation 9-11 Ribbon

•Awarded USCG Marine Safety device


•Evaluation of Alaska’s Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Program presented in the proceedings of IFISH II, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Sitka, Alaska 2003

•Northern Harbors & Small Ports – Operation and Maintenance accepted for publication by University of Alaska Fairbanks Sea Grant College Program, release projected for January 2006

•Community Discovery in Chukotka presented to the proceedings of the 55th Arctic Science Conference – American Association for the Advancement of Science, Anchorage, Alaska 2004


•Immediate Past President - Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators

•Vice-Chairman Prince William Sound Area Maritime Security Advisory Committee

•Member of the Executive Board – Pacific Northwest Waterways Association

•Member of the Executive Board – National Harbormasters Association

•Member Valdez Marine Security Working Group

•Member Valdez Emergency Planning Committee

•Division III Captain for the Alaska 17th District US Coast Guard Auxiliary

•Assistant Scoutmaster for Valdez Boy Scout Troop 311

•Member Valdez Rotary

•Member Valdez Elks

Valdez, AK,
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