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Operations Manager, Facility Manager, Fleet Manager


Transfer extensive Coast Guard senior management experience to the private maritime sector managing, problem solving and succeeding.



Coast Guard Service Advisor

Naval War College

Newport, RI May 2009 – April 2011 Captain

• Advises the Naval War College President, Provost and academic community on all aspects of the Coast Guard, with emphasis on meeting national objectives under the National Security Strategy, National Strategy for Homeland Security and National Response Framework.

• A military professor and subject matter expert on Organizational Effectiveness and Leadership Development; delivers an accredited graduate-level course that prepares national and international military and non-military leaders for duties at the strategic and operational level.

• Serves as Coast Guard element commander: provides leadership for Coast Guard scholars.

Deputy Sector Commander

Coast Guard Sector Boston

Boston, MA March 2008 – May 2009 Commander/Captain

• Command Executive responsible for day to day safety, security, waterways & living marine resource management over a complex port/coastal zone (MA/NH border to Plymouth, MA) with an annual caseload of 800 Search and Rescue cases, 1200 Law Enforcement boardings, 120 cruise ship arrivals, 70 multi-agency ICS managed LNG ship deliveries and annual transport of 22 billion gallons of petroleum products. Alternate Captain of the Port & Federal Maritime Security Coordinator. Managed numerous multi-disciplinary teams across all missions on a daily basis.

• Executive oversight of diverse 500+ person military/civilian workforce through direct reports and a layered reporting system of empowered Unit Commanders and management supervisors. Through collaborative leadership across multiple staff departments, prioritized, developed and executed $1.7 Million dollar budget on time and within GAO audit guidelines; reconciliation and data management process noted as a best practice and adopted by regional District Command.

• CEO for interagency coordination, responsible for service level interaction with primary decision makers and executive leadership. Developed and communicated regional priorities and set strategic goals for readiness, workforce development, budget execution and re-capitalization of assets in collaboration with partners. Active member of FEMA Regional Response Team, Boston Port Operators Group, Area Maritime Security Committee and MASSPORT Security Committee.

• Primary risk manager; evaluated and validated all action plans for gain versus risk decision. SAR Mission Coordinator (principle decision maker) for all Coast Guard operations. Senior policy advisor to the Sector Commander for all aspects of mission performance and responsibilities, public outreach, interagency cooperation & human resource decisions (EEO, Evaluations, etc.)

Chief, Response Department,

Coast Guard Sector Boston

Boston, MA May 2006 – March 2008 Commander

• Public Safety professional responsible for the planning and execution of all Coast Guard Emergency Response, Search and Rescue, Maritime Homeland Security, Fishery Enforcement and Military missions from the NH border to Plymouth, MA, including the port of Boston.

• Direct responsibility for the results of a complex workforce totaling 225 people - including seven field units (two ships and five Boat Stations) and three staff divisions. Covered the entire suite of emergency response, public safety and security and personnel management responsibilities.

• Developed professional personnel and organizational unit readiness and training regimen recognized by national level Coast Guard Headquarters for achieving superior results – scored in top 3% nationally, units awarded the USCG Kimball Readiness Award twice in two years.

• Principle interagency coordinator, responsible to develop and maintain robust interagency partnerships with other federal, state, and municipal authorities. Spearheaded public outreach initiatives and media engagement in support of Coast Guard Response missions. Held numerous live television and radio press conferences, answering questions and justifying Coast Guard actions. Routinely drafted and approved press releases and public service announcements.

Quadrennial Defense Review Integration Team

Office of the Secretary of Defense

Washington, D.C. March 2005 – May 2006 Commander

• Specifically selected as the senior Coast Guard representative for this high energy, high profile, position. Responsible to the Secretary of Defense for the development of this congressionally mandated report, setting the 20-year strategic vision for the Department of Defense.

• Primary Coast Guard advisor to the Secretary’s executive leadership council on Maritime Security Affairs and Domestic Maritime Law Enforcement. Routinely prepared and presented briefs for senior executive leadership, including the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Chief of Staff of the Coast Guard.

• Principle liaison to the US Navy Pentagon staff, developed national strategic level joint Navy/Coast Guard policy positions for the Chief of Naval Operations.

Joint Staff J-7, Joint Operational War Plans

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Washington, DC June 2004 – March 2005 Commander

• Reviewed, edited and coordinated final production of national strategic Homeland Defense plans.

• Ensured plan compliance with current policies and strategic directives, including integrated military support of civilian public safety agencies and alignment with the National Response Plan.

Student, College of Naval Command and Staff

Naval War College

Newport, RI April 2003 – June 2004 Commander

• Served as the interim Senior Coast Guard Advisor to the College and completed course of study to obtain Master of Arts Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies.

Executive Officer


Cape May, NJ May 2001 – April 2003 Lieutenant Commander

• Second in Command of a major Coast Guard ship. Responsible for safe and effective mission execution. Directly supervised 76-person crew in all aspects of shipboard operation, occupational safety, training and human relations. Executed $300K annual budget. Earned “E” excellence award from the U.S. Navy for superb operational execution and safety.

• Cruised extensively throughout New England on fishery enforcement patrols, leading multi-asset air and surface operations to enforce closed areas from the Gulf of Main to the Mid-Atlantic region. Conducted at sea boardings enforcing the full suite of fishery regulations across multiple FMPs, gear types and numerous regions, including the canyons south of Long Island, Georges Bank, the Hague Line and Gulf of Maine rolling closed areas.

Chief, Operations Planning Branch,

Coast Guard First District Staff

Boston, MA June 1998 – May 2001 Lieutenant Commander

• Developed and implemented quarterly operations schedule for 20+ ships and eight aircraft across all Coast Guard mission areas. Balanced complex competing demands to meet operational requirements while keeping units within budget, target operating hours and personnel limits.

• Developed regional expense reduction plan and reprioritized operations to absorb $800K+ budget reductions in ’00 and ’01, while maintaining acceptable levels of service to the public. These cuts represented an almost 60% reduction in funding.

• Prioritized natural resource management enforcement focus based on threat analysis, health of fish stocks, compliance rate data and national level goals. Translated desired outcomes into executable fishery operations plans and field guidance on MMPA and ESA enforcement.


Various US Coast Guard leadership positions at several afloat and ashore units and locations across the country.

July 1987 – June 1998 Ensign through Lieutenant Commander


Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies, 2004, College of Naval Command and Staff, U.S. Naval War College;

Bachelor of Science in Biology, 1986, Farleigh Dickinson University – Concentration: Marine Biology.



MTSA regualtion implementation, TWIC implementation, EPA HAZMAT oversight, Waterway managment, Coast Guard marine event permit processing, Ship drydock and engineering overhaul managment experience, ship caualty control planning, extensive shipboard Damage Control training and mangement experience, Interagency coordination in the Boston area, staff mentoring, personnel evaluation, team leadership, overall problem solving. I am the go to guy you need to get things taken care of.


Proven Leader with a Consistent Track Record of Key Contributions, Results, and Success

•20+ years of experience in management and supervisory positions, earning multiple awards for both personal leadership and performance, and national level recognition for my team.

•Expertise in developing, motivating, and leading multi-discipline cross-functional teams to exceed operational goals; strong analytical program development, process improvement and implementation background. Program goals meet, projects completed within budget.

•Extensive facility management experience overseeing numerous Coast Guard facilities across Massachusetts. These sites represent millions of dollars in capital and real property assets and include several ships and large parcels of property with waterfront structures, communications infrastructure, administrative buildings, housing areas, machine shops, heavy lift and boat hauling facilities.

•Solution oriented leader able to focus efforts of diverse groups under pressure. Incident Commander for large LNG ship loss of propulsion event off coastal, MA (Dec 08). Worked with ship owner and state emergency management executives to mitigate possible risks to the environment, manage potential impact on regional energy reserves and ensure vessel and crew safety. Drove cooperative effort to account for multiple contingencies, ensured quick resolution and vessel certification to return to service.

•Budget Innovator. Consistently developed and presented compelling budgets. Success in a highly competitive resource constrained environment made possible by well-articulated insightful justifications and clear alignment with strategic program goals – budget innovations noted as a best practice, adopted across entire regional District.

•Seasoned professional mariner with twenty years practical experience conducting and managing security, environmental protection, marine safety and emergency response operations in a complex multi-jurisdictional environment. Extensive interagency and public engagement experience, both in crisis response and long-term relationship building.

•Developed a culture of excellence as the direct supervisor of eight empowered facility/ship managers. I personally oversaw all aspects of personnel and facility safety, security and environmental compliance, including HAZMAT storage and disposal, OSHA and service workplace safety programs, pollution response training and material readiness; resulted in passing all internal and external compliance inspections, earning national level recognition.

•With my team of auditors and the facility mangers, spearheaded a Coast Guard-wide change in cold weather personal protective equipment (PPE) purchasing after noted dry-suit failures. Resulted in a complete service-wide re-calculation of the funding formula for PPE and drove a multi-million dollar contract default claim against the contractor providing the dry-suits.

•Charter member of the development and implementation team for Operation Safe Catch, a highly successful Coast Guard-wide fishing vessel safety initiative. This cooperative effort resulted in dramatic improvements in fishing vessel safety across the country and directly reduced casualties at sea. Awarded Department of Transportation Team Excellence Award.

Rowley, MA,
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