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Merchant marine radio officer


I would like to apply for a position at the continuous improving and quality area.


? S.G.S Argentina S.A (Oil, Gas & Chemicals dep.)

Job’s position:

? Loading Master (Dock Sud Terminal / Repsol-YPF)


? Shore-ship coordination for loading and discharging operations of tanker ships.

? Ship’s scheduling for loading and discharging operations.

? Shore-ship security check list.

? Administrative tasks.

? Handling and management of available resources.

? Responsible person of safety conditions.

? Coordinate the operations’ components.

? Handling of PC.

? Practicaje y Pilotaje Buenos Aires Ltda.

Job’s position:

? Buenos Aires Pilots station’s operator.


? Navigational support to vessels inward to Buenos Aires’ harbour .

? Plotting of inbound vessels.

? Handling of nautical bulletins.

? Administrative tasks.

? Handling of Maritime English (spoken and written).

? Handling of radio equipments.

? Handling of Automatic Identification System (A.I.S).

? Coordination with shore’s terminals ETS and ETA of vessels.

? Comando de Transportes Navales. (Argentine Navy).

Job’s position:

? Radiocommunications operator on board the ships:

? A.R.A. Cabo de Hornos.

? A.R.A. Canal Beagle.

? Radio operator on the shore station LSD-89, of the Comando de Transportes Navales.


Administrative Tasks:

? Reception, and transmission of Telegrams and telex.

? Translation of technical manuals of the radio and navigation equipments.

? Writing of technical reports about radio-electrical and navigation equipment.

? Handling of PC equipments with its peripherals.

Operative Tasks:

? Tuning of transmitters and frequency changes.

? Transmission of movement, administrative, of security and meteorological messages in radiotelephone, radioteletype and radiotelex signals.

? Reception of meteorological bulletins and navigation warnings.

? Tuning of receivers for radiotelephone signals, radiotelex and radioteletype.

? On the shore station, support to vessels in navigation.

? General Pacheco Radio Station. (STARTEL S.A).

Job’s position:

? Radiocommunications operator of the services of:

? Radiotelephone.

? Radioteletype.

? Radiotelex.


Post- degree: Escuela Superior de Guerra “Tte Gral Luis Maria Campos”

Title Obtained: Intelligence Analyst.

Tertiary Studies: Merchant Marine Academy.

Title Obtained: Merchant Marine Radio Officer.


? Internal Auditor in Quality ISO 9001:2000 standards: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. U.T.N

? Introduction to ISO 9001:2000 standards: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. U.T.N

? Introduction to Proyects Management. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. U.T.N

? STCW95. Merchant Marine Academy.

? Personal safety and social responsability.

? Prevention of oil pollution..

? Fire fighting techniques.

? Advanced fire fighting techniques.

? First aids.

? PC and Internet Operator: Capacitación Informática Superior-CIS.

? Operating systems Windows 98, ME, XP.

? Microsoft Office 2000, XP.

? Internet Explorer 5.0.

? PC Operator: Centro de Formación Profesional 401.

? Operating system Windows ME.

? Microsoft Word 2000.

? Microsoft Excel 2000.

? Adobe Photoshop 4.0.

? Graphical Design: Centro de Formación Profesional 402.

? Corel draw 10.

? Corel Photo Paint 10.

? English: Instituto Cambridge de Cultura Inglesa.

? Texts Reading and writing.

? Translation of documents.

? English. Level 4: Instituto de Enseñanza Superior del Ejercito-IESE.

? Text Reading and writing.

? English: Facultad de Derecho – Universidad de Buenos Aires.

? Corporate Law Course.

? Internacional Commerce Course.

? Principles of legal drafting Course.

? Internacional Trade: Fundación Gas natural.

? International marketing.

? Portuguese. Level 1: Facultad de Derecho – Universidad de Buenos Aires.



I am single, and I have not children, so I have not problem at moving to another country

Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,
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