To sail as Master, but willing to sail as 1/O, 2/O, or 3/O with a "positive growth" company where there is the potential for promotion.
Two years as Captain on Supply/Crew vessels in the Gulf of Mexico. After that, 22 years with Military Sealift Command.
Graduated from SUNY Maritime College in 1982 with a Bachelor's Degree in Marine Transportation Management.
Unlimited Master Upon Any Ocean, ALL STCW & BST requirements are up to snuff. I have been to numerous USCG, Navy, & MSC training courses which include, but are not limited to: Bridge Resource Management, ARPA, Afloat Safety Officer, Gas Free Engineer, GMDSS, Advanced Shipboard
Firefighting, Tankerman PIC, Tankship Dangerous Liquids,
Personal Safety & Social Responsibility, Personal Survival
at Sea, Elementary First Aid, CPR, Drug-Free Workplace
Coordinator, Helo Tower Control Officer, Helo Landing
Signal Officer, Environmental Protection Programs,
Chemical-Biological-Radiological Defense, Ordnance Hazard
Awareness, Retail Ordnance Logistics Management Systems,
Ammunition Administration, Explosive Forklift Operator, Small Arms Marksmanship Instructor & Rangemaster, Level Two Force Protection/Anti-Terrorism Instructor, Shipboard Security Engagement Tactics, and Visit-Boarding Search & Seizure.
I left MSC because their inefficiency was cause for me to be kept away from my family for longer than necessary. I want to work for an outfit that can have me relieved close to the date indicated on my orders and not (repeatedly) pull me from leave before I am due to go back to work. I am a "team player" and I am willing to go back to work early and remain aboard longer when an "emergency" arises.