I am a 37-year-old graduate of the Merchant Marine Academy of Greece, holder of Captain Class A (unlimited) with DP full certificate and
5000 registered hours behind DP desk.
have already served on offshore industry from 2011 gaining considerable
experience as a Master SDPO in various ships as PSV, MPSV/ROV,OSV,FSV
and Shuttle tanker.
My ambition is to find a permanent position in a shipping company and devote
the best of my abilities to it.
Currently I am employee as SDPO on Class DP 2 in offshore Brazil
Santos basin, Espirito Santos and Campos basin, contracted by Petrobras.
Should you wish reference from my previous employers,
I will be glad to submit the same upon request.
Yours faithfully,
Capt. Sotirios Sallas
Master SDPO