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Master of Towing Vessel


Seeking Employment as Master of Towing Vessel


1978-1982 United States Navy-Boatswain Mate on Tanker. Honorable Discharge.

1883-1991 Hornbeck Offshore Services, Galveston, TX. AB and Mate on Offshore

Shore Supply Vessels.

1991-1997 Seafarers International Union, Houston TX. AB on tankers engaged in

Domestic and Foreign trade, Mate on Harbor Tugs in the Houston/Galveston area.

1997-2001 Bouchard Marine Transportation. Mate on Patricia Bouchard, Captain of

Ellen S. Bouchard.

2001-2004 K-Sea Marine Transportation. Mate on Tug Viking

2004-10/2007 Hornbeck Offshore Transportation, Mate/Captain of Tug Caribe Service,

Captain Tug Brooklyn Service.

10/2007-2008 Roehrig Marine Transportation, Captain/Relief Captain no specific vessel



1 year Houston Community College


Marine Documentation; U.S. Coast Guard license #1094440, Issue #4, Master of Towing Vessel upon Oceans and Western Rivers, Mate of Steam or Motor Vessel of not more than 1600 Gross Tons upon Oceans, Expires July 25, 2010.

Radar Observer Unlimited, Expires July 25, 2010.

STCW, Expires July 25, 2010. FCC License, Expires September 11, 2010.

Designated Examiner, Expires July 31, 2009.

GMDSS. BRM Ship Yard Competent Person. Vessel Security Officer. Train the Trainer. Basic and Advanced Shipboard Firefighting. OMSA Safety Training,

U.S. Merchant Mariner’s Document #069472, Any Unlicensed Deck Rating including AB, Expires July 25, 2010


If it floats, I can drive it.


Tazewell, TN,
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