Port captain or towboat master in florida area.
Ive been master of 2000 hp towboat and 2 30,000 barrel petrolem barges on the gulf coast i.c.w. and lower mississippi river for 3 years for Third Coast Towing out of Corpus Christi,TX.Im in charge of payroll, personel ,and boat and barge maintnece.Ive been licenced for 6 years.
I have a Master of towing unlimited [inland], 200 ton masters [inland], and radar observer [unlimited].i have a GED and am currently taking online buisness classes.
Radar certificate [sea school], Master of towing and 200 ton master [houston marine], and 100 ton masters [sea academy]
I can operate a boat excellent.I can di ordering. Maintence manager skills.Ive done payroll.
I am trustworthy and reliable.