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Master of Steam or Motor Vessels of no more than 1600 Gross Registered Tons


At this time I'm taking STCW Classes for my U.S Merchant Marine Masters Licenses.


As a holder of both the U.S Mates and Master Licenses and 33 years in the Fishing Industry I have qualifications skills and experience that would be of long term Value to your operation. Accordingly I tender My services and include below a brief resume.


Born 1953 in San Diego California , where I graduated from High School with honours. after 2 years at College then 6 months visiting various European countries I joined my family Perse Seine Fishing bussiness in 1972. Obtaining my U.S. Merchant Marine Officers License in 1975 I was promoted to Navigator. Accepting the demands and responsibilities that this position entails. A futher 3 years sea service and I acquired my U.S. Masters'License.


Following delivery in 1981 from Wisconsin U.S.A., of a newly built 220ft. , Perse Seine vessel , to the U.S. Island of Guam in the Western Pacific I left the family business in 1984, explicitly to advance and futher my career.From 1984 until 1987 I worked for the Van Camp Seafoods Fishing Fleet. Star Kist Seafood ( H.J Heinz Ltd.) from 1987 until 2000, Tri-Marine International from 2001 until 2005 and Sanford Ltd. New Zealand from 2005 until 2007

In each instance employed as both Navigator/ alternate Master.


During this time I have navigated and fished all three major Oceans, the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and South China seas, The Pacific basin, Centeral and South America, the Mozambique Channel and the water of Madagascar. I have transited both the Panama and Suez canals the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence Seaway.

Perse Seine Vessels during this period engaged helicopters for the purpose of spotting schools of fish and I have some 4,500 hours in helicopters including 175 hours logged by a qualified pilot/mechanic.


At all times I have conducted myself with due diligence and responsibility as befitting my position. In doing so gaining the respect of my peers and inspiring those under my command. A number of references that bear testimony to the high regard previous employers have for me are available. For the past 15 years my Wife and I have been involved in the breeding and training of thoroughbred horses for show jumping and this commitment is ongoing. Please do not hesitate to contact me if youi require further information or comrirmation of qualifications.

Bonsall, CA,
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