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Master Mariner


With 40 years experience in the maritime industry, I can offer a wide range of skills including:

30+ years sea-going experience; teaching-lecturing on subjects such as Dangerous Goods, International Conventions, Chemical Tanker's Endorsment and Protection of the Marine Environment (MARPOL). Extensive experience in investigation of maritime casualties and Port State and Flag State inspection. Seeking employement in London and/or South East UK involving Risk Assessment, Safety and Accident Prevention through adherence to the regulatory regime in shipping or within Port Authority sector. Happy to train/teach/advise firms/workers/students/cadets in the maritime industry.


* 2005 Appointed Chief Investigator Maritime Casualties and Principal Shipping and Ports Inspector

* 2003 License of ISM Lead Auditor

* 2002 License of Certified Containers Inspector IICL

* 2000 Appointed Head, of MEPC delegation at IMO; participating and contributing to IMO Working/Correspondence-Groups

* 1998 Joined Israeli Ministry of Transport, Administration of Shipping and Ports as Senior Shipping Inspector

* 1987-1998 Captain "Ofer Ship Holdings" (Sister company of Zodiac UK), Bulk-Carriers, Car-Carriers,Reefer, Containers

* 1980-1986 Captain on various General Cargo ships US-South America-West Indies trade.

* 1978:Obtain Master Unlimited Licence and 1st command on board Crude Oil Tanker (70,000T)"El-Yam Cargo Ships Ltd" and other ships of company tanker fleet up to 250,000T

* 1976-1977: Ch/off Chemical Tankers "Gadot-Yam"

* 1972-1976: 3/off, 2/Off, Ch/Off "Martime Fruit Carriers" - Fast Reefer Ships on worldwide trade.

* 1969-1972: Compulsory Military Service Israeli Navy, commanding patrol vessel.

* 1968-1969: Cadetship

* 1968: Graduated Maritime Academy at Acco Israel with Matriculation Exams and 3/off Licence


* 1968 Graduate Maritime Academy, Acco Israel - Matriculation Exams and 3/Off Licence

* 1969-1970 Navy Officer's Course

* 1973- 2/Off Course Israeli Maritime Education Centre, Acco

* 1975-1976 Ch/Off Course

* 1977-1978 Master Mariner Course

* All the required comlementary courses in accordance with the STCW Convention + Crude Oil and Chemical Tankers

* 1980 Freshman's year at University of San-Diego CA (UCSD)

* 1986 2nd year University of Tel-Aviv Geo-Physics

* 1986-1987 One year at Haifa Polytechnics "Technion" Industrial Management

* 2003-2004 Master's Degree MSc. (With Merit) at the Southampton-Solent University

* Various seminars and complementary courses within the SAFEMED Project under the auspices of REMPEC-EU-EMSA


* Master Mariner Unlimited

* Certified Container Surveyor

* Maritime Casualty Investigator

* MSc. International Maritime Studies Ports and Environment Southampton-Solent University UK


* 30 years sea-going experience, of which 20 years as Captain.

* Very good understanding of technical matters involved with shipping

* Mastery of International Conventions (SOLAS, MARPOL, IMDG, BC Code, IBC Code, ISM Code, Ballast Water Convention etc.

* Very experienced Port State and Flag State Inspector

* Very Experienced Maritime Casualty Investigator

* Experienced Maritime Emergency/Prevention and Pollution Contingency Officer (In charge of Situation Room at the Israeli Administration)

* Very experienced surveyor/inspector of Dangerous Goods on ships and in ports "HAZMAT"

* Very Good Leadership skills as well as team working

* Full Mastery of the English Language including formulation of Shipping Notices and casualty reports

* Experienced lecturer on maritime topics at national and international fora

* Full mastery Microsoft Office applications

* Languages - English fluent; Polish fluent; Spanish - good; French partial


* Polish Citizen and Passport holder (EU)- speaks fluent Polish

Wife- MD Consultant Paediatrician (Neurodisabilities)

planning to relocate to the UK

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