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Master, 200 ton towing vessels,


Captain of vessel engaged in towing or ship assist, coastwise and oceans,


1980 1990, Deck hand to Relief Captain, Turecamo Towing , Chas, SC.,

1990-1996, Master Ship assist tugs, 2000 to 4000 tugs,

Jr, Docking Pilot, McAllister towing, Chas, SC

1997-2003 Relief Capt, Master of towong vessels 1600-4000hp, general towing, jumbo barges, coastwise and oceans

2003- 2007, ChiefMate, Moran Towing, tugs 4000-5000hp, general towing of jumbo barges, coastwise and oceans.

2007-2008 A Concrete Canvas, General Manager, decorative Concrete, Construction.


Bishop England High School, Chas., SC

College of Chas. SC


Master Towing Vessels upon Oceans and Western Rivers, 200 mton,

1st class pilot, Unlimited tonnage Chas. SC


Outstanding Boat handler and vessel manager, numeruos trip into and out of Boston, New Haven, CC Canal, Bridgeport,

New York, Hudson River to Albany, Newark, Del. Bay to Phila.

C&D to Balt. Norfolk, Wilm. NC, CHas.SC, Savanah, Jax., Canaveral, Miami,Tampa, Mobile, Pasagoula, SW Pass to New Orleans, Galveston to Houston,

Florida Straits to San Juan PR., Kingstom, Venezula, Columbia, Panama Canal, Guatamala, Mexico,


Charlotte, NC,
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