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Marketing and corporate communications manager (CMO, CIO)


I have experience from strategic and operational management from manufacturing industries, consulting services and the armed forces. My strength is my ability in stating clear visions and the driving force and the management ability needed to obtain them. Complex challenges, problem solving and development drive me. This global approach incite me to develop visionary objectives, strategic plans and hands-on operational work to achieve them. I subsequently target management and strategic marketing and communication job opportunities within the maritime sector, close to the customer and close to affairs.


2004- Marin Mätteknik AB Marketing manager, Gothenburg

Acting director of external marketing throughout Sweden and EEC-countries in business areas of products and consultancy services in marine geographic information systems, surveys and mapping. Project manager of a strategic business development project.

2003-2004 Armed forces, 4.AMPH:

Chief information officer, CIO Gothenburg

Acting director of internal and external information. (Timed, civil employment). Two personnel. Responsibility for co-ordination of information and information projects throughout all other of this organisations establishment in Gothenburg. Manager of numerous information projects and strategic marketing. Experiences from strategic representation in media, such as television, radio and newspapers

2002 - 2003 Mindset AB Senior management consultant Gothenburg

Team leader of Mindset management services, developed a new business strategy, marketed and sold services, performed missions and tasks, co-ordinated consultants. Key account manager position. Made business 2003 Q1-2 worth approx. €400.000. Company quality co-ordinator. Project manager

2001-2002 Armed forces, 4.AMPH: Regimental staff officer Gothenburg

Chief of plans officer and second in command for Operations and plans.

Cheif R&D staff unit.

2000-2001 Uniteam International AS:Marketing director UMTS project Oslo

Marketing and sales of turnkey shelters on the European telecom market.

2000 Uniteam AB: Chief executive officer, CEO Gothenburg

Annual turn over by € 6.000.000. National and international customers and suppliers, i.e. eastern Europe, Norway. International experience in the Uniteam group activities in Kosovo.

Marketing and sales of qualified system containers to the armed forces, the Swedish defence admin, defence industry and the branches of construction and transportation. Sold myself for € 3.000.000.

Started and guided the company Internet and e-commerce business.

1987-2000 Armed forces, 4.AMPH: Officer in command and training officer Gothenburg

Commanded a large ship and boat unit consisting of minelayers, supply- and transport ferries, patrol-and smaller crafts. Personnel: 60, finance: € 1 000 000. International experience.

Commanded a technically advanced unit with lasers, C3I-systems and underwater systems also with international experience. Personnel: 30, finance: € 400 000. International experience.

Commanding and supervising training units of up to 40 personnel

Ships commander > 3 years, regimental training officer of underwater systems. (Product manager)

1983, 1986 National military service: Medical orderly, naval sapper Östersund/Gothenburg

1980–1984 Götaverken Energy AB: Licensed welder Gothenburg

1979–1980 Triolift AB: Apprentice, mech. workshop Gothenburg


2004: University of Gävle: Business administration/ logistic Gävle

Logistics: supply chains, value adding, impact on information systems. 5p, VG, 2004

Marketing in electronic business: establishing e-business, e-commerce and its impact on business strategy. Also deals with supply chain management, value management etc. 5 points, VG, 2004

1998-1999 National Defence College: Staff programme Stockholmn 40 points / equal to Bachelor. Qualifies to Majors rank. Leadership, management and leader training have been focused, which, combined with traditional military issues, is studied and trained at this programme. A programme for commanding officers and chief of staff for units up to 1000 men. This training were followed by a staff training period where I planned, guided and executed a command post exercise for 200 officers.

1991,1994 Naval academy, Coast Artillery: Tactical and Higher tactical course Stockholm

40 points qualifies to Lieutenants rank and 40 points qualifies to Captains rank

1987-1989 Naval college, Coast Artillery:College Karlskrona 80 points. Qualifies to Ensigns rank

1984-1986 Technical college: College Gothenburg

2 year diploma; engineering, completed with additional courses in language and technology


2002 Armed forces: Management Stockholm, Gothenburg

Examinator diploma according to Defence standards and EN -SS ISO 9001:2000 and 14000

2002 Swedish Maritime Administration: Deck officer Norrköping

Authority as commander class VIII to ships of < 70 tonnes incl 3 years of experience

2001 Armed forces: Management Stockholm, Gothenburg

Quality- and auditor diploma acc. to Defence standards and EN -SS ISO 9001:2000

2001 Chalmers University of Technology: Ships engineer class VI Gothenburg

Diploma in ships engineering class VI


2004 Armed forces Strategic media relation course Halmstad

Building and maintaining strategic media relations with television, radio and newspapers. Strategic representation in media.

2003 Xpectum Project economy management Gothenburg

Interactive education/ training in project economy within service and product producing companies

2003 IBC Euroforum: Key account management course Stockholm

Structured key account management, business processes, business skills and sales processes

2001 National Defence College: Project management course Gothenburg

Working in projects and Project manager course

2000 Marketing group Gothenburg: Developing sales Gothenburg

Strategy in comprehensive sales


Have long and thorough experience from marine and maritime sector, operational and commanding as well as marketing, sales and communication.

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