Marine transportation
- Shipboard Officer / Personnel / Crew
Iam a lady aged 35 from zimbabwe. Iam looking for a position that challenges my marine transportation skills with emphasis on continuing to develop professionally and gain expertise in additional areas of ship construction and ship building operations management. Im seeking to cross utilise my skills as needed in all areas of maritime lndustry shoreside.
I posses a degree bachelor of science in marne transportation
My experience include
Ordinary seaman aboard the MV southafrican belle
First officer/bartender on sunset hornblower
Deck cadet cruise project perfomed basic ship operations as well as other ship related tasks as needed by vessel,ship maintainance.
- Skills
- Deck cadet 1 years by 2015
- Employers
Ordinary seaman,deck cadet at SA cruiseMV
2014 August - Jan 2016Performed watch standing duties,successfully completed comercial marine transportation deck cadet cruise project
- Educations
Bachelor of Science
Marine transportation at South africa maritime Academy seattle2012 - 2015
Bachelor of Science
Abu dhabi, United Arab Emirates,