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Marine Manager / Surveyor


I would like to Manage a small commercial marine facility on the US Gulf Coast.


I was until recently (4-24-14) the Facility / Project manager for the maintenance facility for Resolve Marine Group (international salvage company, web site Basically the job is to maintain salvage equipment, warehouse inventory, 4 barges, 11 cranes, and 6 vessels for immediate deployment. Of course this means all the necessary regulatory surveys (ABS, DNV, and USCG) operational and maintenance requirements. This is some what of a challenge some times due to the age of the equipment / vessels and financial constraints, but some how we seem to make it all happen. Got to plan and be innovative.

Of course with this type of operations there are budget concerns, estimating cost of repairs, getting the best price for services and purchases. There is the labor side, dealing with hiring, reprimands, terminations, dealing with contract labor ECT.

One of the challenges is to find local work for some of the equipment, formulating a bid quote and submission. Until recently there were 23 employees at the facility and in the middle of converting a 300’ x 100’ deck barge to a derrick barge with a 1000 ton “A” frame and associated equipment, starting to be a challenge. All of this for Oil Platform removals. This will be the 3rd largest derrick barge under the US flag.

With my experience from above, a long with my maritime experience as a Port Engineer with the M/V Delta Mariner, 8.3 years with ABS as a field surveyor and 23 years of sea going experience as an Engineer, 11 years as Chief Engineer on crude & product tankers I feel I have a lot to offer . While sailing as Chief Engineer with Keystone Shipping no only did I write my ships shipyard specification I would write others also including non company vessels

Attached is my Personal Data Sheet, and of course I am available for a telephone or a formal interview most any time, need a couple of days notice please. Feel free to contact Resolve Marine Group for further details, 954-764-8700, ask for Mr. Neeraj Thapar or Joe Farrell. Also feel free to call one of my previous employers, Gulf Caribe Maritime (Foss Maritime) at 251-438-9894, asking for Bobby Pepper, manager or John Bates. An additional reference is Jackie Morris, 251-232-2817

Again, thanks for your considerations


William B Watt

William B. Watt

Summary of qualifications

Licenses; Chief Engineer Steam vessel and 3rd A/E Motor any Horsepower, any tonnage, first issuance 11-27-85

1 A/E Steam , 3 A/E Motor 3-11-82

2 A/E Steam, 3 A/E Motor 12-1-78

3 A/E Steam, 3 A/E initial license 1-1977

Alabama Air Conditioning Contractors license, Marine and Domestic 1989 to 2010

Certification & Training

Hazmat, 1st responder - 3-2012

Marine Fire Fighting 1st responder, 3-12

STCW 11-2011

Tankship Safety (Dl/PIC) 10-20-95

HAZ/MAT training (Tank Ship Safety) 10-20-95

I.G.S. / C.O.W. (Tank Ship Safety) 10-20-95

First Responders Operator Level Certification as per OSHA 29 CFR 1910, several from 5-31-91 to 10-20-95

Maritime Administration Certificate of Firefighting 11-2-73

Undocumented training - Bailey Automation, 6 weeks 11-3-83, Vibration Analysis and trouble shooting 1-12-84, 3-18-86, Leslie / Fisher Controls 4 weeks 4-9-85, Quaker City valve Controller, Limit Torque controls 3-93.


Sept 08 to 4-24-14; Resolve Marine Group, Facility / Project Manager

April 06 to Sept 08; Port Engineer for the M/V Delta Mariner - laid off due to economy

11-97 to 3-06 ABS field surveyor, new construction vessels, after construction surveys barges, oil rigs, and 65 approved processes. I did a lot of after construction surveys and was basically assigned to one of the two major shipyards here in Mobile, Al. Delivered over 20 OSV’s out of Bayou La Batre Al, and a few from Patti Shipbuilding.

1-91 to 11-97 Chief Engineer on product tankers “Fredericksburg”, “Chelsea”, “Cherry Valley” international & Domestic voyages

2-79 to 12-90 Assistant engineer on T-3, T-5 & San Clemente Tankers for OSG (Overseas Ship holding Group / Maritime Overseas Corp). Overseas; Ulla, Joyce, Chicago, New York, Washington. This time included oil transportation between Valdez and Natiskie Alaska, very, very demanding year around operation.

Various general freighters, containers, bulk carriers, sulfur and product tankers for different companies for short duration. Including T-2 and T5 tankers,





Semmes, AL,
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