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Marine Engineering Intern


Ocean renewable energy conversion is a field I am really interested in. It is still a field few developed and I would like to be part of all the projects and innovations that will be made over the coming years!


Working with the French startup "EOSEA" during an internship, I have learned a lot about structural reliability and risk analysis. Indeed I worked to develop a method to quantify risk of a jacket collapse in terms of probabilities given extrem weather conditions. I realized that I was really able to understand scientific fundamentals I was not familiar with as well as software very quickly.


I am currently finishing a five years engineering qualification (M.Eng equivalent) in Renewable Energies and Energetics in POLYTECH MONTPELLIER, which is a highly selective Engineering School in the South of France and I am searching for a six months internship starting in June as Marine engineer or in your research and development team.



I have learned many scientifc fundamentals from fluid mechanical to power electronics. I also managed projects on various subjects: optimization of public lighting, construction studies, geothermal faisability study. So I am able to deal with and to understand various topics and to take charge of specialized software.

I have also lot of knowleades in programming (C++, Python).


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