I like to have new experinces and to share my knowledge with others and to proof that the engineer can work and adobt any new technology or new mechanism and be creative.
-Outdoor sales executive for SME (small and medium enterprise) companies at Vodafone company from 1/4/2005 till 1/10/2005.
-International associated cargo carrier, “IACC” since 15\5\2006 till 10\12\2006.
“Main engine and generators are Sulzer ME. Are 6000 horse power”
-National company for shipping & investment since 1\10\2007 till 19\5\2008.
“main engine and generators are B&W ME. Are 5200 horse power”.
-ELVECTOR navigation company “Bulk Carrier” from 12/08/2008 to 8/10/2008
Main engine B&W 9200 horse power and generators was Daihatsu and its dead weight was 40000ton.
-NATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY “wadi halfa” from 26/11/2008 to 08/05/2009 main engine sulzer 8500 horse power and generators Daihatsu and its dead weight is 35000 ton.
-NATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY “ wadi el neel” from 1/09/2009 to 17/05/2010, main engine WARTSILA WICHMANN 4000 horse power and generators SCANIA. “RORO/ Passenger”.
B.Sc of Electronics and Communication 2004 from Alexandria Institute of Technology.
3rd, and 2nd Marine engineer from AAST (Arab Academy for science and Technology and Maritime Transportation)
Personal Skills:
• A good team player, flexible.
• Strong ability to coordinate effort with others.
• Energetic and self motivated.
Computer Skills:
Operating Systems: Windows 98, Millennium, XP, Vista,7
Software Packages: ? A+
? Microsoft Office package
Hardware Systems: PT. II, PT III and PT. 4
• Date of Birth: 15/12/1980
• Nationality: Egyptian
• Marital Status: Married
• Military Status: Exempted