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Marine Engineer


Ship Repair, Marine Engineering, Marine Forensics, Ship Manager



9/1997 - 9/2001 Owner, Michael A. Spotto, P.E., Sole Proprietorship

Forensic Marine Engineer

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Retained over 200 times as a Professional Engineer and

Marine Safety Expert by over 30 law firms, representing

both plaintiffs and defendants

in State and Federal Court.

I have given Marine Expert testimony in court or by deposition over 50 times.

Did Forensic Marine Engineering work on a variety of

vessels including passenger ships, cargo vessels, boats and

personal watercraft. Many of these cases involved severe

injuries and deaths. Other cases have involved ship, boat

and personal watercraft collisions, marine mechanical

failures that caused injury, marine products

liability, marine insurance claims and ocean rescue operations.

As a former U. S. Coast Guard Marine Inspector and the

former Chief of the Investigations Department at a U. S.

Coast Guard Marine Safety Office, I have been able to

assist clients with the determination of marine accident

causes and help them evaluate liability.

I have also been able to use my expertise in marine and

mechanical engineering, ship and boat operations and

maritime safety to interpret and apply many marine

regulations and standards, including: Titles 33 and 46 of

the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal and State

Recreational Boating Regulations, the Inland and

International Navigation Rules, U.S.

Coast Guard Navigation and Information Circulars, the American Boat and

Yacht Council Standards, and the

International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).


Boeing 757 and 767 Captain

Louisville, KY and Miami, FL

Responsible for $80 million aircraft, crew, and up to four

passengers on international flights to South and Central

America. As a Flight Engineer on earlier duty, I was

selected as a DC-8 Initial Operating Experience Instructor.

I successfully trained 15 students on the function and use

of DC-8 aircraft systems. As of 8/2008 I am unable to

exercise the privileges of my Airman's

Medical Certificate, and as a consequence, am unable to fly.


Commercial Ship Inspector, Facilities

Engineering Contracting Officer and Rescue Pilot

Lieutenant, selected for Lieutenant Commander. Top Secret Clearance.

U. S. Coast Guard Marine Inspector, MSO Chicago- After

completing an extensive one year training program, served

as U. S. Coast Guard Hull and Boiler Inspector.

Responsible for inspecting all systems and structures

aboard U.S. and Foreign Flag vessels including Large and

Small Passenger Vessels, Freighters, Barges, Ore Carriers,

Train Ferries and Tankers to ensure compliance with all

applicable federal engineering rules and regulations.

Completed damage surveys, issued repair instructions and

inspected subsequent repairs, issued Certificates of

Inspection on behalf of the Commanding Officer.

Completed several dry dock hull inspections and other

inspections in cooperation with American Bureau of Shipping

Surveyors. Completed plan reviews and stability tests for

vessel modification and conversion. Oversaw new construction of a passenger vessel.

U.S. Coast Guard Investigations Department Chief, MSO

Chicago- Responsible for all marine casualty, marine

pollution, and license suspension and revocation investigations for the unit.

U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Miami Facilities Engineering

Contracting Officer, wrote and insured proper execution of contracts for engineering products and services worth $205,000.00 per year.

Authorized to commit up to $500,000.00 per year in

engineering contracts. Wrote and

oversaw contracts for maintenance and upgrades for air

station fuel farm, upgrades to officer's quarters, repairs

and improvements to the hangar fire suppression system,

landscaping and janitorial services.

Designed a special use aircraft work shelter, two

maintenance shelters and an 1800 square foot maintenance

facility for Tactical Law Enforcement special boats and

equipment. Was in charge of a large

scale asbestos removal project for the Air Station's

hangar. Ensured compliance Hazardous

Materials requirements and guidelines were properly followed.

U. S. Coast Guard Aviator, Air Station Miami- After

completing United Stated Navy Flight

Training in Pensacola, FL, flew 650 missions in the

U. S. Coast Guard Falcon Jet.

Saved hundreds of lives and millions of

dollars in property. As Public Affairs Officer,

represented the Air Station in local and national news

coverage including our humanitarian

response to hurricane Andrew. Received a commendation

from the District Commander for this work.

Organized a live re-enactment of a

helicopter rescue that was seen by 30 million viewers.

Deck Watch Officer- U. S. Coast Guard Cutter VIGOROUS-

Conning Officer, Law Enforcement Boarding Officer,

Weapons Officer. Qualified as Underway Engine Room

Watch-stander responsible for

monitoring the proper operation of the main propulsion

diesel engines as well as all auxiliary

machinery and equipment in the mechanical spaces on the ship.

Customs Officer: Military Customs Inspector (Excepted)

Responsible for enforcing laws governing the importation of

all merchandise, including the laws of many other

government agencies. This includes the inspection of cargo,

baggage and articles worn or carried by persons and

carriers entering the country. Authorized to seize prohibited or smuggled articles.

Author of Examination Questions for Nationwide

NCEES Professional Engineer's Licensure Exam in Ship Design.

Invitation to write the questions was received from the Society of Naval Architects

and Marine Engineers President, Jose Femina. - 1998


EDUCATION: United States Coast Guard Academy, B.S.

Marine Engineering, 1984. Course of study included Ship

Design, Engineering Design, Shipboard Power Systems,

Electrical Engineering, Electro-mechanics,

Materials Science, Thermodynamics, Dynamics, and Statics and Strengths of Materials.


PROFESSIONAL: Registered Professional Engineer, Mechanical, Florida


Management, Marine Engineering, Technical Communications, Marine Inspection and Repair QA


Weston, FL,
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