Obtain Chief Engineer position
9/2004-10/2005 Seacor Marine - C/E AHTS
1/2000-9/2004 Tidewater Marine - Dry dock superintendant Nigeria Division
6/1999-1/2000 Tidewater Marine - Mechanic for dry dock vessels - Nigeria Division
5/1997-6/1999 Tidewater Marine - Port Engineer - Nigeria Division
6/1992-6/1997 Tidewater Marine - C/E AHTS - Nigeria Division
12/1998-6/1992 Zapata Marine - C/E AHTS - Gulf of Mexico
Terrebonne High School
Houma, LA (1972)
U.S. Merchant Marine Officer- Chief Engineer (OSV) of Motor Vessels of any horsepower; DDE of motor or gas turbine vessels of any horsepower; Asst. Engineer (Limited-Oceans) of motor or gas turbine vessels of any horsepower and of not more than 1600 ton domestic, 3000 gross tons (ITC Tonnage)