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Marine Dispatcher


Marine Dispatch job.


Retired Peace Officer (Det.Sgt.).


Formally HS; Completion of other educational courses as a Peace Officer; Whatever life threw my way via "School of Hard Knocks".


Homicide Investigations; Crime Scene Search Investigations; Narcotics Investigations; Domestic Crisis Interventions.


Supervisory; Investigation; I'm better with a pencil than a computer.


Born and raised on Brooklyn (NY) waterfront. Uncle was a USS Hornet/USS Wasp veteran of WW2, was a tugboat captain and would take me to work every now and then since age 10, he worked for NY Central/Marine Division. I live 18 feet off of the Great South Bay on Cygnet Canal. I am not an idiot. I am not a motor-mouth. I do my job. I need a job for the long haul for the next 15 0r 20 years, if I live that long. Doubt if I could ever afford to "retire".

Lindenhurst, NY,
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