to communicate with shipowners and sailors. By this way to practise and improve my English and German, if possible
2000-2006 – worked in an international marriage agency. My responsibilities there consisted from assistance people on correspondence, phone calls and meetings. I also helped director on communication between her and client, showed a client around the city.
1994-1999 – studied at Theatrical-artist College for an artist- technologist
1999-2001- governmental courses of foreign languages ( English)
2004-2006 – German course in Bavarsky house
1. Fluent English in writing and speaking
2. Good speed of typing
3. Good German in writing and speaking
4. Good PC user (Windows, Word, Internet, Bat, Outlook, Photoshop)
5. Business correspondence
My personal qualities: responsible, hard-working, persistent, good in learning new things, eager for development, sociable and ready to work in a team.
I also possess good manners and taste.