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Hsse officer


To seek a safety advisor/officer position in a company, where I can apply my creative skills, enrich my knowledge and grow continuously along with through consistent and dedicated hard work.


HSSE Officer - Kellogg Brown Root international

Job Description:

• Advice / Instruction to all categories of employees in safety procedures

• Carrying out daily safety inspection to identify unsafe working conditions, unsafe practices and unsafe equipment as per the company standards

• Providing safety advice and guidance to sub contractors and supervisors

• Ensure the approved personal safety protective equipment used by employers, conducting safety tool box meeting, and weekly, daily safety walk through, preparation of daily safety report, site safety auditing and follow up

• Recording safety observation cards as per company rules

• Receiving daily Total Safety Task Instruction (TSTI)

• Receiving and implementing job hazards analysis complaining and ensuring safety compliance by all the concerned

• Daily reporting and discussing with related to the safety issues and sorting out the difficult situations

• Monitoring safety performance emergency procedure and work permit procedure

• Working at elevation mechanical construction activities

• Investigation of all accident & preparation of injury report

• Knowledge of safe working procedure of all type of rigging job, lifting operation, survey of lifting equipment, erecting tower, scaffolding, crane operation, manual lifting technique etc

• Carrying good housekeeping at work site

October 2007 to Jun 2008

Safety Officer - Kuwait National Petroleum Corporation

- I was assigned on a Pipe line project in Refinery and Gas Plant section

Job Description:

• To ensure that proper permit to work issued to all site engineers performing any delicate works in order to avoid any accident

• Daily Safety Tool Box Talk at early morning before work starts

• Safety Accessories Inspections before the work starts and during the work

• Checking of Fire Extinguishers, Escape Sets, B.A Sets & B.A Trolley are in Safe conditions

• Aware the lobours from the Hazards & Make them responsibilities to act according safety rules

March 2006 to April 2007

Safety Supervisor - Hindustan Shipyard Ltd

Job Description:

• Safety Accessories Inspections before the work starts and during the work

• Monitor radiographic test by checking the area if it is already safe and keep unauthorized personnel away from hazardous exposure

• Implement safety rules where necessary

• Response immediately to any emergency calls

• Ensure that during all phases of operations attention is paid to safe system of work by carrying out regular inspection in working areas

• Providing an advisory service to all levels of employees on matters pertaining to HSE


Academic Qualification:

- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics in Grade “A”

Professional Qualification:

One year Diploma in Health Safety Environment Engineering from Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, An organization of the Ministry of SSI, Government of India (AN ISO 9001:2000 Certified) - Registration No. 0902K7555031

S. No. 425/555031


1) Completed Nine leadership course for ILM (Institute of Leadership Management, UK) certification

? Train the Trainer

? Supervision with in LCA

? Quality-control

? Practical-Leadership

? Planning& Organization

? Introduction-To-HSE &Leadership

? Introduction to FSI, TSTI, &PTW

? I&IF Supervisors Skills Knowledge

? Communication in a Multicultural-Work Place.

? Accident Investigator course awarded by KELVIN TOP SET, UK.

? Recognition certificate awarded by TTJV management in occasion of 2million man hours without LTI on Qatar shell GTL pearl project.

? Recognition certificate awarded by Shell Company on my outstanding performance in Pearl GTL Project - Utilities area.

? OSHA course in Construction & General Industry awarded by HIST Institute of Safety technology in Qatar – Reg # RMEC 00360 Certification No: HSE-OSHA-30C-52010.

? Basic Fire Fighting (NFPA) in HIST Institute of Safety technology in Qatar.

? Job Safety Analysis in HIST Institute of Safety technology in Qatar

Certification No: HSE-JSA-108.

? MEDIC FIRST AID – BASIC PLUS course in Medic first Aid International in Qatar Q-Tech

Technical Expertise:

- American Society For Non-Destructive Testing. Recommended Practice SNT-TC-LA-2001 Edition ASNT Level-11 Certification)

- Post Graduate Diploma In Health Safety And Environment Engineering (P.G.D.H.S.E.E) From National Institute Of Fire And Safety (NIFS), VISAKAPATNAM,(A.P)


MS Windows 2000 and XP, MS Office 2003,MS Access.


Module 1 Module 2

- Safety & Law - Environmental Hazards

- Safety Management - Occupational Health & industrial Hygiene

- Safety Engineering - Controlling Water & Environmental Pollution

- Procedures & Systems - First Aid

- Safety Engineering - Environmental De-Gradation & Diaster

- Risk Analysis & Risk Management

- Dangerous Substance

Visakhapatnam, A.P,
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