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Geophysicist - Offshore surveyor


I am willing and proficient to work as a Geophysicist and Offshore Surveyor in projects where hydrographic equipment are used (SSS, SBP, USBL, ROV, Seismic, Magnetic, DGPS, etc)


Geophysicist, Hydrographer and Offshore Surveyor (freelance) Oct. 2011- Currently

Marine Geophysical Survey S.A.C.

HyO Ingenieros S.A.C.

Obramar S.A.C.


Diving del Peru S.A.C.

COSMOS Agencia Marítima S.A.C.

Marine Geophysical Survey Inc.

ROV de Venezuela C.A.


- Installation in R.O.V., configuration and operation of:

USBL equipment.

Pipeline tracking equipment.

DGPS & gyro equipment.

- Platforms, rigs and pipelines inspection and calibration.

- MBES/SBES data acquisition

- Pipelines and cables pre-lay and tracking survey

- Offshore Surveying

- Data processing and charts editions.

- Side Scan Sonar, sub bottom profiler and SBES/MBES bathymetric data acquisition.

- Search of object and wreck on seafloor and recovery operations

- Rigs, barge and vessels positioning.

- Technical support.

- Reporting and mapping.

Geophysical Engineer Jun. 2007- Oct. 2011

Oficina Técnica Del Monte S.G.A., C.A.

- Design, logistic and planning of all geophysical projects.

- Equipment installation and acquiring offshore shallow geophysical data.

- Basic checking of Airgun systems.

- Geophysical data processing (seismic, bathymetric, side scan sonar, sub bottom profiler, magnetic, etc.)

- Integrated interpretation of geophysical data for hazard analysis in drilling sites, pipeline routes projects and harbor areas.

- Installation and operation of high precision DGPS equipment in rig positioning projects.

- Generate magnetic, bathymetric and Isopac maps; designing hazard maps with integrated information.


• Accomplishing successfully major projects with different scientific disciplines. Demonstrating adaptability to different working environments. Developed a strong culture of teamwork. Understood and adapt to work offshore for a long period of time.

• Had provided services to major companies such as PDVSA (18.000 Km. of geophysical integrated results), Odebretch (site survey in port construction area), Cerrejon, Fugro, CADAFE, Chevron (rig positioning), Repsol (rig positioning), Teikoku (rig positioning) and others.

Field Geophysicist 2004 – 2007

DUSANJI Geophysical C.A.

Desarrollos Hidráulicos Cojedes C.A.

Cooperativas Hidrogeociencias 025

Design and development of groundwater studies and grounding,

- Acquire, process and interpreting geoelectrical data to groundwater prospection and grounding studies (VES schlumberger and wenner methods).

- Do technical reports with geological and geoelectrical information to groundwater prospection and grounding studies.

- Inspection of drilling operations (shallow).


• Develop a strong culture of teamwork. Understood and adapted to work on land for long periods of time in hard situations (Forest, jungles and mountains).


Geophysical Engineer (5yr Degree)



Geophysical offshore shallow data acquisition, processing and integrated interpretation.

Hydrographic Site Survey

MBES/SBES Data acquisition

Offshore surveying

Navigation and Rig positioning support.

ROV positioning and tracking.

Pipeline and cables tracking.

Offshore wreck search and recovery


Lima, Lima,
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