To seek a challening position which I can utilize my skills and knkowledge in a feild to the highest extent possible.
Boomtown Casino: 11-4-08 to 9-15-09
4132 Peter Road Harvey,La. 70058
cook: To prepare food an get it out as fast as possible.Clean as I go an after the shift is over.
Coca-Cola enterprises,Inc.: 12-18-06 to 4-9 08
5601 Citrus Blvd,Harahan,La.70123
499 S.Hollywood,Memphis,TN. 38111
machine operator: To operator the machine to keep running until product was finish.Also,clean after shift was over.
general warehouse worker: To clean the warehouse an help build pallets when needed.
Delta Queen Steamboat Com. 6-2-05 to 7-14-06
1380 Port of Place New Orleans,La.
galleyhand/cook: To clean the kitchen and the galley .Help the cooks when finish work to prepare for the next shift.
Alfred Lawless Sr. High recieve my diploma in 2003.
Nunez Community College major was cunlinary arts didnt finish due to hurricane katrina
The ability to learn fast an work well with others.