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First Officer, Marine Engineer


I am interested to work on passenger vessels, motor yacht private o charter. Good team player and leader. I consider myself a good candidate for any position as chief mate or first officer. Good expertise in naval maneuvering, navigation on coastal and open water. More than 8 years watch-keeping experience. I am familiarized with water sports and diving, able to travel anywhere and anytime, easygoing personality.



· Yacht boat “Gladiator”, 39’ 2007/2008

Position: Seasonal Captain

Excursions to Bahamas and Florida coastal areas.

· M/T B.A.P. “ Lobitos”, Tanker, 25000 GT. 2003/2004

Position: First Mate, Operations Officer

Tanker belongs to the Commercial Division of Navy. Leased to State Peruvian Company PETROPERU. My duties included watch keeping, navigation, electronics and communications. Assist the captain and the staff captain during Oils load and discharge operations. Assist in training exercises onboard. Collaborate on the implementation of new equipment and procedures to ensure SMS and ISO-9001 compliance onboard.

· M/T B.A.P. GAUDEN, Auxiliary Vessel 2800 GT. 1999/2000

Position: Ship Captain

Lead a crew of 16 technical and enlisted men. Mission was to provide supply oil to war ships and commercial vessels in different Peruvian Ports, as requested to our operations department.


Position: Ship Captain

Lead a crew of 15 people. Lead ship refit, Oversaw Engines and towing equipment overhaul. Performed undersea oil pipelines replacement and other sea operations after refit, working with private own companies and contractors.

· Cruise Battleships “GRAU” and “AGUIRRE” 1994/1995

Position: Second Engineer. Protocol Officer

Work overseeing Turbines, Pumps, Generators and all auxiliary equipment operation and maintenance. My duties included be watch officer and be in the Engines room during Sea operations. Protocol official. Collaborate in the organization of official events onboard during official visits to Peruvian and foreign Ports, including receptions, parties, dinners, and official ceremonies.

Other Work Experience:

Export Coordinator (Temp). 2008

Royal Caribbean, Logistics Center, Pembroke Park, FL

Communications Support Manager 2/2004 - 6/2005

Peruvian Navy, Naval Telecommunications Department, Lima, Peru

· Designed and Implemented processes for telecommunications equipment parts acquisitions, repairs and installation services.

· Worked with logistics planning to keep inventories of critical material at desired levels


1988/ 1992 B.S., Naval Engineering, Naval Academy of Peru, Callao, Peru

1995 Advanced Leadership School, Naval War College, Peru

1999/2000 Systems Engineering, Pontific Catholic University, Peru

2006/2008 M.S., International Business, Nova Southeastern University, FL.


STCK 95 Chief Mate Officer under 300 GT




· STCW 95 Update Bridge Team Management

· Observation and Plotting Proficiency in fast rescue boat

· Astronomical Navigation Crew Management

· Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boat Radar Plotting Aids, ARPA

· Advance Firefighting Security Management System

· Security Officer



Crew Management, vessels logistics, and communications expert. Computer literate. Good knowledge on SMS, ISM and IMO. Refits and dry-dock work experience, Able to run a yacht or boat under 3000 GMT in captain absence. Good experience in crew training. Bilingual.

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