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Executive(Mangement) Position in Maritime Insttitution-Academy/ship yard/Dock yard/ Sr. Naval Arch


Impart vast experience in Maritime fields specially in education and research/designing of ocean-going multipurpose cargo vessel ect. as well as management of maritime organization. To develop amlpy the new method/tecnology for the benefit of the organization.


26 years in teaching,,research and in industry (Pl.see attached resume).


D.Sc in Naval Architecture and Marine Eng.(USA-2005)

PhD(Scholar) -Naval architecture (Ukraine-1987

M.Phill eqv. Advanced Course in Ship Design91983-86)

M.S in Shipbuilding and ship repairing Eng(USSR-1980)

MBA-Bangladesh Open University- in 2003.


1.Fellow ,Institution of Engineers of Bangladesh(FIEB)

2.Member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architect (MRINA)

3.MSNAME(USA) -approval-1989


Computer literated.

(Pl .see attaced resume for details)


Beyond MBA has got PGDM certificate & Certificate in (ELP) english language proficiency .

Chittagong-4206, other,
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