Most anything relating to; Create and build custom equipment/electronics/hydraulics to fit the job at hand using physics, etc. to make a job possible with the manpower/materials at hand, or to compensate for the lack thereof! I am a State licensed Mechanical Contractor, since 1987, and had a Marine support business from then until 2004. when I lost my ships (Floating Machine shops in/on Ocean Going tugs I converted) to hurricanes.
See above.
Masters equivalent through college, and specialized training through the US Naval-Air, , work as a Journeyman Carpenter, Work/Training through Porter Boiler as Technician/Welder, Self training for and becoming a State Licensed Mechanical Contractor. Specialized, Confidential top secret training and work for the US Government Secret service branches before during and after the a-fore mentioned.
State Licensed Mechanical contractor, Including; Electrical master, Mechanical Master, Welding Master, Hydraulics Master Pneumatics Master, Plumbing Master, Boiler Tech. Master, Carpentry Master, and any number of related Journeyman trades, Including Automotive/industrial engine/motor rebuilding and modification
See above
Explanations/details of above attributes, as needed, on request.