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electrical engineering for high voltage/graduate electrical engineer


I have excellent knowledge in electronic, electric and computer fields, which I would like to utilize in my future workmanship.


Mediterranean Shipping Company/accommodation and servis elecrical equipment on cargo ship| TIMUN, Belgrade, Serbia/projector for electrical equipments on ships| ALFA, Novi Sad, Serbia/projector for electrical equipment on structures| Hospital VITA, Novi Sad, Serbia/servicemen for medical equipment| CarServis CURCIC, Novi Sad, Serbia/accommodation and servis diagnostic equipment for BMW cars| DELTA GENERALI Insurance, Novi Sad, Serbia/agent for life insurance| LIM-IT, Novi Sad, Serbia/production-servis computers and computers system| RADIO 021, Novi Sad, Serbia/market department| SBB, Trstenik, Serbia/project department for cable television| Electrodistribution, Trstenik, Serbia/access in work one part of electroenergetic system|


1998-2004 (5 years education)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Kragujevac

elecrtrical engineering for high voltage/

graduate electrical engineer




Military Academy of Navy Technology, Belgrade

ship electricity|

1991-1995 (4 years education)

Military High School, Belgrade

graduate high school




26.10.2006. Ministry of capital investments

Familiarization Training 342-48-237/06 Unlimited|

26.10.2006. Ministry of capital investments

Personal safety and social responsibility 342-48-238/06 Unlimited|


Technical skills: maintenance of most electric equipment|

PC skills: best, from 1984 I took friendship with computer

Windows 9x/2000/NT/XP/2003, DOS

MS OFFICE, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop


internet and other usefull programs

Network administration (Mikrotik-wreless)

Computer repairs and maintenance

Use computer in industry|

SOCIAL SKILLS I have entered the military school as a 15 year old boy and spent six and a half years there. This experience had an impact on my understanding and appreceating different cultures and lifestiles. During that period I have become independent and learned to work in a team. The communication between the members of a team is very important and I enjoy working in one. The best jobs that I have done at school or outside of it were related to the team work.|

ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS I am persistent and communicative and have a capability for individual and team work. Communication and organization skills which I have were valuable during my education years. My leadership skills proved to be of high quality. I am hardworking, responsible and ambitious. The job for which I take responsibility is done in the shortest possible period.




Reading skills very good

Writing skills good

Verbal skills good


1. Serbia driving license B categorie


1. Dejan Radojicic, director, TIMUN, ++381638024112

2. Jovan Milosevic, director, ALFA, ++381641610119

Novi Sad, Serbia,
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