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Electrical Engineer


Seek a full time job in Electrical Engineering


09/2007 - Present UMass Dartmouth Acoustic Signal Processing Lab North Dartmouth, MA

Research Assistant

Work for the project of "Information Theoretic Bounds on Source Localization Performance"

Optimum linear sonar arrays are designed to achieve MMSE and minimum probability of error based on Estimation theory and Information theory with the nulling technique. Vector quantization method is used to divide the searching space into noncontinuous partitions. Various Monte-Carlo simulations are done to exam the array performance and the simulation results agree with the theoretical hypothesis very well.

Wrote several complete programs for simulation of array design and signal processing

Actively discuss and present papers with researchers from different projects in the research group meeting weekly

09/2005 - 06/2007 Engineering Computation and Simulation Institute Hubei, China

Research Assistant

Worked for the project of "Acoustic Parametric Array System" with Matlab tool

Writing Matlab programs to simulate and compute array performance


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA, USA GPA 3.763/4.0

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering candidate, anticipated May 2009

Thesis Title: Designing Optimal Symmetric Linear Arrays with a Fixed Aperture

Advisor: Prof. John R Buck

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Master of Science in Spatial Information Science and Technology, June 2007

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Bachelor of Science in Communication Engineering, June 2005



Excellent coding/ debugging skill in Matlab with four years’ professional experience

Proficient with C, Assembly

Familiar with C++, Visual Basic, Very Good understanding of database system, familiar with SQL

Proficient with Analog/ Digital Circuit Design, Familiar with Pspice

Proficient with MS office software, including word, power point, excel and Visio

Solid knowledge of operating system, microprocessor architecture and communication network

Good understanding of software engineering, Strong sense of teamwork yet great ability to work independently

Good learning ability and adaptability, Responsible and easy-going



Xiaoli Zhu and John R Buck, “Two approaches for the bearing estimation by a linear array", at Sigma Xi research exhibit, March 2008

Xiaoli Zhu and John R Buck,” Maximizing mutual information in horizontal linear arrays,” for 157th meeting of Acoustic Society of America, Portland, OR, May 2009 (submitted and accepted)


Member of Acoustical Society of America

North Dartmouth, MA,
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