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Director - Ship Management


Am in the process of changing my employers forced due to take over and personal preference. Looking for a fresh opportunity in a solid Quality oriented organization and contribute constructively and substancially to Quality Ship Managent.



Successful interaction with Owners & Charterers and provide them with Ship Management of the highest standard.


Barber Ship Management, Hong Kong

Technical Superintendent- 1990 - 1992

Looking after Chemical & Crude Tankers, Bulk Carriers, Reefer Vessels & Live Stock Carriers.

Accord Ship Management, Bombay

Shifted through internal process by Barber Ship Management to newly opened off-shoot organization in Bombay, India.

Technical Superintendent - 1992 - 1994

Senior Superintendent - 1994 – 1996

In charge of four Technical Superintendents.

Manager Technical & Operations - 1998 – 2001

In charge of Technical Management & Operations including Manning Division. Accounts and all associated functions.

Acting Managing Director for statutory purposes.

Left Accord Ship Management for personal reasons and better prospects.

Eurasia International (China) Limited Partnership, Hong Kong.

Fleet Manager - 2001 – 2002

Looking after Casino Passenger vessels, Bulk Carriers, Crude, Product, Chemical and LPG Tankers, Container vessels. A staff of 3 Technical Superintendents, 2 Marine and Safety Superintendents, 3 Technical assistants, 2 Accountants and 1 Marine Personal Officer and 1 Fleet Secretary.

General Manager – 2002 – 2005

Leading a Team of 5 Technical Superintendents, 3 Marine Superintendents, 5 Technical Officers, 2 Marine Superintendents, 3 Accountants and 1 Secretary.

Full Management Responsibility of a team looking after Tankers and Container vessels.

Eurasia International GmbH & Co. KG, Leer, Germany

General Manager & Executive Director 2005 – 2008

Heading the unit as sole Director of Eurasia Management GmbH and Eurasia International GmbH & Co.KG.

Independently heading the unit in Full range of Ship Management activities fully complying with German Tonnage Tax requirements.

Set-up the office from scratch, built up relationship with local authorities, set up the basic organization and built up the same, trained the local staff, obtained business and performed successful ship management functions.

Managed LPG Vessels, Bulk Carriers, Container vessels which were under German Tonnage Tax Regime.

The Share Holder’s decision on forming Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement effective from 1st January 2008, brining in all sister companies under one name and organizational umbrella resulted in having only one Management Office in each country. Thus Leer Office was closed down and business shifted to Hamburg joint office. In line with declared policy that no employee should suffer, all employees were found employment with the personal effort within organization or with friendly ship owning companies in Leer. The fact that the staff were trained and had worked in Eurasia had a huge attraction to companies in Leer.

Self was transferred to Singapore as head of Singapore Service Delivery Centre 1.

As the sole Director, had the responsibility of closing and winding down the office within a schedule which was completed successfully and is in the final process of the liquidation under German Company Registration Regulations.

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Singapore SDC1) (ex-Eurasia International Singapore Pte. Ltd).

General Manager & Executive Director – Heading the office employing 40 persons, responsible for revenue, profit & loss, local regulations and full compliance, looking after Administration, Business Development, Client Management, Full Ship Management of Crude, Product & Chemical Tankers, LPG & Ethylene Carriers, Post Panamax Container Vessels.

2008 Dec.

2009 Jan. Director - Ship Management , OMCI Shipmanagement, in charge of Offices in Germany, Singapore and Mumbai.

9) Team Participant in being assessed for Hong Kong Management Association Quality Award.

10) Various Company organized Safety Seminars, giving lectures on selected subjects, table top exercises etc.


Chief Engineer

Barber Ship Management, Hong Kong 1981 to 1990

Sailed as Chief Engineer on General Cargo, Container, Livestock, Product Tanker, OBO, PROBO cum Chemical, Crude Oil Tankers, Self Unloader.

2nd Engineer

Barber Ship Management, Hong Kong – 1979 - 1981

Shipping Corporation of India, Bombay – 1976 – 1979


5th Engineer to 3rd Engineer

Shipping Corporation of India , Bombay & Jayanthi Shipping Company, Bombay

Sailed on VLCCs, MPC with Reefer and Heavy Lift, OBO, Bulk Carrier, PROBO.


Chief Engineer’s Certificate of Competency (Motor).


Degree in Engineering


• Reasonable communication skills, genuine ability for interaction and dealing with people honestly and in a transparent manner, professionalism, high degree of integrity & loyalty, ability to perform under difficult and challenging circumstances.

• Instill discipline and dedication among subordinate staff through gentle and firm actions.

• Ability to motivate and bring the best of subordinates.

• An organized and structured way of work.

• Innovative approach in creative and trouble shooting situations, while not completely rejecting the old tried and tested tools

• Ability to work effectively under stress.

• Proven ability to take initiative, work independently and adapt to change.

• Aptitude for working in team environment.

• Good research worker and a team worker as trouble-shooter.

• Good HR skills.

• Quick learner with the ability to grasp complex information.

• Ability to communicate precisely and in brief in written communication.


I am sufficiently proficient with the use of MSWord, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and the Internet as important contemporary professional tools. I’m familiar with Networks based on Windows 2000, professional and servers to the extent of a general know-how


Reading, Watching Sports, automobiles, walking and traveling.


Available if required.


Degree in Engineering (University of Kerala, India - 5 Year Integrated Course - 1970)


Ministry of Transport 1st Class Motor.

(License to sail as Chief Engineer with unlimited Engine Power)


Proven experience in Ship Management of Tankers ( Gas, Chemical, Petroleum) , Bulk Carriers, Container, Live Stock, Self Unloaders. Excellent Client Management. Ability to deliver results.


Proven competence in heading complete independent office in Asian & European environments. Have extensive experience in working with multi National staff from all over the world.

Haren Ems, Lower Saxony,
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