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Deputy Director General, Head of Maritime Safety (Former Captain)


Management level (Bussines Administration, Safety, Quality, Manning, Etc.). Maritime transport and transport safety is the field what I like most.

I am working already more than 13 years on my present position. My job is very interesting and challengeable, working environment is very good and colleagues a very competent. I do the job I like. But I feel that I need new challenges in my life.


2000 ?

Deputy Director General, Head of Maritime Safety Division

Responsible for developing the strategy and policies, planning and implementing activities, managing the human and financial resources. Responsible for maritime safety (including pollution prevention) and maritime security matters in Estonia.

Estonian Maritime Administration, Valge 4, 11413 Tallinn, ESTONIA; Website:http//

Governmental institution; Maritime sector

1999 - 2000

Senior inspector

Marine casualties investigation

Estonian Maritime Administration, Valge 4, 11413 Tallinn, Estonia

Governmental institution; Maritime sector

1997 - 1998

Chairman of Managing Board

Company management. Responsible for developing the strategy, planning and implementing activities, managing the human and financial resources.

AS Balti King

Wholesale company; Private sector

1994 - 2000


Master on board of cargo ships

Contract job on several private companies in Europe

Maritime sector

1996 (temporarily)

Marketing manager

Merchandise orders, find channel of distribution, make trade agreement, co-operation development with resellers, sale-salon management, planning and implementing activities.

EKE Ärikeskus

Business company; Private sector

1992 - 1997

Chief mate

Navigator on board of high-speed passenger craft. Responsible also for documentation, crew work organisation, sales and passengers service organisation.

Inreko Laeva AS

Private company in maritime sector

1989 - 1992

Mate (navigator)

Navigator on board of different types of cargo ships. Responsible also for documentation, cargo operations and crew salaries.

Estonian Shipping Company

Maritime sector

1986 - 1989


Helmsman on board of different type cargo ships and passenger ferries.

Estonian Shipping Company

Maritime sector

Additional information:

I have a long seagoing career as navigator, chief mate and finally as master.

Since 2000, I am working as Deputy Director General and Head of Maritime Safety Division of the Estonian Maritime Administration. In the Estonian Maritime Administration we have altogether more than 320 employees and in the division I am in charge of, Maritime Safety Division, more than 65 employees.

Main task of the Maritime Safety Division is to organise state supervision in order to ensure maritime safety and maritime security. It means: developing and implementing Estonian Government maritime policy; control over the implementation of international conventions and regulations; ensuring and controlling maritime safety and pollution prevention on Estonian and foreign flagged vessels (Flag State Control and Port State Control); ships verification on maritime safety (ISM Code) and maritime security (ISPS Code) on Estonian flagged vessels; supervision over the classifications societies and recognised security organisations; supervision over the maritime training institutions and issuing certificates and endorsements for seafarers; supervision and inspection on maritime security matters on ships, ports and port facilities; inspecting the transportation, handling and storing of dangerous goods on board of ships and port territories; investigating marine casualties.

I have a long-term work experience in the field of maritime safety and very good knowledge of safety and security management principles.

As Head of Division, I am responsible for all activities of the division. I am responsible for developing the strategy of the division, for managing the human and financial resources of the division, for co-ordinating the activities of the division and also the departments and sections belonging to the division, ensuring effective planning of activities of the division and ensure that quality standards of Estonian Maritime Administration are maintained, informing and explaining the activities of the division to the other parties.


2010 - 2013 Estonian Maritime Academy

Master of Technical Sciences (Ship Technical Operation and Navigation)

Completion of the master's programme provides the acquired knowledge and skills to provide the conditions for leading positions in the maritime sector, both public and private businesses, but also for further studies in doctoral studies.

2005 - 2009 University of Tartu

Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (Law of science)

To provide broad basic knowledge in social sciences, including law. Completion of the bachelor's programme in law provides with knowledge for work in position in requiring basic knowledge in law.

1996 - 2001 Mainor School of Economics

University diploma (Economics)

Business Management (including financial management; personnel management; human resource management; organisation management; strategic management; economics theories; quality management)

1994 - 1995 Estonian Management Institute

Professional Development Diploma (Economics)

Business Administration

1982 - 1986 Tallinn Marine College (Navigation)

Certificated as Navigator

Equal to university degree


- Certificate of competency as captain of a ship of gross tonnage 3000 or more

- GMDSS General Operator´s Certificate

- Certificate of competence as Auditor/Lead Auditor (Auditor/Lead Auditor Training for Quality Management Systems incorporating the International Safety Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and Pollution Prevention, organized by the International Register of Certificated Auditors - IRCA)

- Certificate of competence as Ship Security Officer according to International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS)


Social skills and competences:

- team spirit and excellent communication skills gained through my work experience

- good ability to adapt to multicultural environments with ability establish and maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds gained especially through my experience as captain

Organisational skills and competences:

implement and monitor the activities of organisation, acquired through the study, different trainings and seminars and of course through my working experience as manager and director in several companies

- good leadership skills, in particular the ability to lead, motivate and develop teams to the best of their potential (in Estonian Maritime Administration we are together more than 320 employees and directly under my area responsibility more than 65 employees in different ages)

- ability to work under pressure (acquired through my work experience as captain on board and on my present position)

- ability to respond quickly to new demands and situations

- management of meetings (I have lot of experience to take part from national and international meetings also as chairman)

Technical skills and competences:

- I have good knowledge and understanding of the Community´s maritime safety legislation and of the main IMO Conventions dealing with maritime safety, pollution prevention and maritime security and other relevant international regulations (it is may everyday work on my position as head of maritime safety division)

- good ability to manage financial resources (acquired on my study period and through my work experience as manager and director)

- good command of quality control processes (Estonian Maritime Administration was the first governmental institution in Estonia that was certified in accordance with ISO 9001 requirements. Quality management system is created on the basis of IMO Convention STCW 78/95 and ISO 9001:2008 requirements. I was responsible for the implementation of quality system in maritime safety division)

Computer skills and competences:

- good command of Microsoft Office tools as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. (acquired through everyday work)


Mother tongue Estonian

Other languages Russian - excellent

English - good

Finnish - some knowledges

German - some knowledges


- good knowledge of the work and functioning of International Maritime Organisation (I am taking part of IMO MSC meetings already since 2000 as head of Estonian delegation and Assembly as member of Estonian delegation)

- good knowledge of the work and functioning of EMSA (I was alternative member of EMSA Administrative Board up to 2007)

- knowledge of Institutional Framework and functioning of EU, as well working procedures

- knowledge of Institutional Framework and functioning of Paris Memorandum of Understanding, as well working procedures and financial framework (I am taking part of Paris MOU Committee meetings since 2000)

- 2010 - 2012 chairman of BIM (Baltic Icebreaking Management)

- 2003 - 2007 member of EMA (Estonian Maritime Academy) Advisor Board

- Since 2014 member of Advisor Board in Estonian Nautical School

- Member (Associate Fellow – AFNI) of the Nautical Institute

- Driving licence - Category B (more then 15 years experience)

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