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Deck officer - 2nd/3rd/4th officer


I would like to work with the company(shipping). I completed my high school studies and continute to go board many different ships to train.

I would like to achieve my goals and objectives, so that in the future i can help my country in the field of amrine


1998: Medicals services in the (ministry of health and medical services Solom0on Islands Government, as part time student.

1999:foundation science pre degree program USP( university of south pacific) ( applied science)

2000: cadet - Sydney institute of technology, information system and distribution of propane and butane gas - LPG tankers

2002: Roll on Roll off.Loading for general cargoes, containers,passengers welfare and many different cargoes

2003: AWS and bibby's international services around the world.

2004: Solomon Islands Pors authority harbour operations

2007: harbour operations and form 6 and 7 science moderator of solomon islands

Solomon Islands Ports Authority Harbour Operation officer in charge


1998: Form 6 science (NZ GRADE 12)

1999: Form 7 science Foundation Pre Degree University of the South pacific

2004-2005: 2nd mate class 1 and class2 foreign going( diploma of appled science)


Form 6 science certificate

form 7 foundation applied science certificate

information and technology certificate

diploma of applied science certificate

2nd mate class 1 and class 2 foreing going australian maritime college


sports, engineering, person of all trades.

carpentry.multi skills


I am very interested in the field of marine.

I am a qualified merchant of officer.

Most of my skills and experience cannot be fully explain in writing to convience you but with all my heart am capable in the field where am qualified at.

Honiara, Guadalcanal( Solomon Islands),
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