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Deck hand, wiper, cook


I am very interested in becoming a member of your company. I have always loved being on the water. I worked on boats before joining the Army National Guard and while I was in, when not on orders.

I have spent time on the water off and on for many years. I got off active duty a few months ago, and I am nearly completely out of the Army all together(2 more weekends). I am anxious to get back on the water and make a career out of it.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to make a career . I am in my early-mid 20's, in good shape, have a excellent work ethic instilled into me, no felonies, great at taking initiative as well as following orders.


I have worked on push boats in the ICW for 2 different companies. I have worked as a deckhand, and cook. I have assisted the engineer with powerplant and generator operstions and maintenance, relying on my 1st Army MOS training of diesel engine and generator maintenance.


Graduate: Pamlico County High School, MAY2005

College courses: American Military University (distance learning) for BA in Intelligence Studies, concentration in Intelligence Operations(currently on hold)

Able Body Seaman Endorsement on Merchant Mariner Document, MAY2010

Proficiency in survival craft Endorsement on Merchant Mariner Document, MAY2010

NRA Basic pistol course, JUN2010

Army Basic Combat training, AUG2004

Power Generation Equipment repairer MOS school, MAR2006

Shop Practices and Safety, OCT2006

Elements of Electrical Physics Statics, OCT2006

Ohms Law, OCT2006

Introduction to Electricity, OCT2006

Magnetism and Electromagnetism, NOV2006

Introduction to Logical Troubleshooting, NOV2006

Introduction to Cells and Batteries, NOV2006

Army Substance Abuse, DEC2007

Explosives and Demolitions, Ed. B, FEB2008

Law Enforcement Operations, FEB2008

Demolition Firing Systems, FEB2008

Basic Mathematics I, FEB2008

Basic Mathematics II, MAR2008

Basic Mathematics III, MAR2008

Basic Mathematics IV, MAR2008

Role of the NCO in Leadership, part I, MAR2008

Role of the NCO in Leadership, part II, MAR2008

Military History, APR2008

Effective Army Writing, APR2008

Basic Principles of Military Justice, APR2008

Role of the NCO in Leadership, part III, MAY2008

Intelligence in Combating Terrorism, MAY2008

Elements of Electrical Physics Dynamic Electricity, MAY2008

Overview of Training Management, MAY2008

Use of Interpreters, MAY2008

Land-Mine Warfare, Part II, MAY2008

Conduct Reconnaissance, Part II, MAY2008

Plans, Orders, Annexes and Symbology, MAY2008

The After Action Review, MAY2008

Overview of Training Management, MAY2008

Military Intelligence Law, MAY2008

Conduct Reconnaissance, part II, MAY2008

Junior-Enlisted Environmental-Awareness Training, MAY2008

Aviation Survival, part I, JUN2008

Aviation Survival, part II, JUN2008

Aviation Survival, part III, JUN2008

Aviation Survival, part IV, JUN2008

Small Arms Defense Against Air Attacks, JUN2008

Utilities I, JUN2008

The Army Correctional System, JUN2008

Engineer Intelligence/Reconnaissance, JUN2008

Field Fortifications, JUN2008

Combat Engineer Part I, JUN2008

Conduct Reconnaissance, part I, JUN2008

Explosives and Demolitions, Ed. F, JUN2008

Land-Mine Warfare, Part I, JUN2008

Combat Engineer MOS school, SEP2008

Intelligence Preparation of the Battle Field, OCT2008

Self Aid and Buddy Aid, NOV2008

Squad Designated Marksman, FEB2009

Senior Leaders Environmental Awareness Training, FEB2009

PLT Compliance W/ Host NAT, FED, ST/LOC Environ law, FEB2009

Base Defense Operations Center Training, MAR2009

Counter Rocket And Mortar System, MAR2009

Prepare to Conduct Training, JUN2009

Planning Training, JUN2009

Executing and Assessing Training, JUN2009

Introduction to Electronics, JUN2009

Carpentry I, JUN2009

Carpentry II, JUN2009

Nuclear, Biological and Chemical First Aid, DEC2009

Identifying Ammunition, DEC2009

Frame Strutures, JAN2010

Construction Print Reading, JAN2010

Military Police Station Operations, JAN2010

Military Police investigations, JAN2010

Area Security, JAN2010


Transportation Workers Identification Credential, JUL2010

MMD with AB special endorsement, JUL2010

Arizona Concealed Carry Weapons permit (reciprocal to 32 states), MAR2010

Army MOS 52D10 Power Generation Equipment Repairer

Army MOS 52D20

Army MOS 21B10 Combat Engineer

Army MOS 21B20

Modern Army Combatives Program instructor

Combat Life Saver

Combat Life Saver- Tactical Combat Casualty Care

Squad Designated Marksman course


-Basic deckhand functions-(chip paint, repaint, handle ropes and cables)

-Mechanicly enclined.


-Not Chlaustrophobic.

-Navigation skills.

-Great vision

-Good hearing

-Make a good cup of coffee!


Seeking long term career, with possiblilty of advancement for members that prove they are deserving.

No major health problems or dissabilities.


-A.F.& A.M.

-National Rifle Association

-Veterans of Foreign Wars

-Patriot Guard Riders

-Association of the United States Army

Aurora, NC,
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