I would like to work in small ship or motor yatch or even on barge as a deck crew.
1. Ordinary seaman - March 2,2003-Feb 25, 2004 - Do ship maintenance work,assist in cargo operation and look-out.
Company- marlow navigation
2. Able bodied seaman - Jan.11,2000-Sept. 17,2000 - Do ship maintenance work,handle the steering wheel,assist in cargo operation and navigational look-out.
Company - Columbia shipmanagement
3.Ordinary seaman - Aug. 28, 1998-may 11,1999 - Do ship maintenance work, assist in cago operation, navigational look-out.
Company - Columbia ship management
4.Deck cadet - May 11, 1997-May 9,1998 - Learning different deck work and bridge work.
Comany- Columbia ship management
BS Marine Transportation - 1993 -1996 ( Philippines )
Certificate of competency as a deck hand
Experience in different maintenance job.
Willing to start in low salary