Love the ocean
Charles O. Johnson
404 Elkins Road
Nordman, Idaho208-597-0230Objective
To secure a position in the 1000 islands area where i can utilize my experience, skills,talent and education to achieve company goals and standards and work fornan organization with a modern ethical approch, balanced with old-fashioned common sense.
Elkins Resort, Nordman, Idaho breakfast and lunch linecook, 2007
Cooked resort breakasts and lunches
Enjoyed the location
Hueston woods, Xanterra , Oxford, Oh. Executive Chef, 2006-07
Managed kitchen doing up to1000 covers per day.
Responsible ror all purchasing, inventory and profit and loss
Coached trained and supervised staff of 14
Worked with banquet, sales and dining mgrs. to insure quality stardards
Fusion Grill, Dayton, Oh, Partner,Executive Chef, 1997-2006
Developed and implemented business plan.
Recruited trained and managed diverse team.
Negotiated favorable terms with vendors
Standardized procedures and recipes
Stardancer Casino Cruises, Madeira Beach, Fl. Exec. Chef 2000-02
Managed food service for three casino day ships
Planned galley layout in two dry docked ships
Implemented plan to speed meal, to increase gaming time.
Networked with local tour guides to promote onboard weddings.
Remained active with Fusion Grill at this time.
Marriot, Dayton, Ohio, Banquet Chef, 1995-1997
Organanized preperation and service of functions up to 1500 people.
Learned to plan for off premiises events
Worked withlarge diverse team of varied skill levels.
Recieved corporate training in team building ect.
Other Experience
Assistant Manager of Schnickel Fritz restaurant, Port Richy,Fl,95-97
Realtor Assoc. Prudential, Palm Harbor, Fl. !981-84
Worked for Hilton, Holiday Inn, CCA, and several upscale independants
as sous chef, chef or kitcen manager.
Graduate, Prospect High, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Graduate , Cooke Real Estate School, St. Petersburg, Fl.
Attending Sinclair Community College On line, Dayton Oh. Hospitalty management and culinary arts. 3.75 GPA, Deans list, anticipating dual associate degrees in 2008.
Professional Attributes
Serve Safe Certified
Sysco References
Personel Refeences